"Recruiting Fraud" - Byron Harris - IRE Journal

". . .The goal of a recruiter is to put young men and women in boot camp, or "butts on the bus" in the Navy vernacular. A WFAA-TV investigation found that recruiters supplied enlistees with hundreds of counterfeit high school diplomas and instructed them to lie about their academic background. At the time of our reports, the Armed Services wanted 95 percent of their enlistees to be high school graduates, because history shows high school grads have a better success rate in boot camp than those who don't complete high school. . ."

Description:Investigative research was done when it was revealed that the Navy was giving fake diplomas to enlistees.

Rights: Copyrighted, used with permission. Courtesy of Investigative Reporters and Editors (IRE).

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Investigative research was done when it was revealed that the Navy was giving fake diplomas to enlistees.