Byline: Lauren W. Gilfillan; 1933-10-01; Forum and Century; pages 201-208
Report: Lauren W. Gilfillan Among the Shop Girls and the Miners
Tags: cheap class of trade, five-and-dime, NRA, shop girls, store clerks, worked as a sales girl, worked as a waitress
"In late July and early August, I spent eleven days working, first as a salesgirl and then as waitress at the lunch counter, in five-and-ten cent stores. . . . It was not easy to get a job this summer -- even in the five-and-ten . . . "
Description:From the precede: "In order to find out at first hand the exact conditions under which girls work in the New York retail stores which serve a cheap class of trade, Miss Lauren Gilfillan, a recent graduate of Smith College, secured employment in two five-and-ten-cent stores. Here is the unembellished account of her experience. The Editor of THE FORUM believes that this is an important document because it faithfully portrays a situation which was all too common before the advent of the mystic symbol, NRA.
Rights: Copyrighted, permission pending.