"Lying to Tell the Truth: Journalists and the Social Context of Deception" - Seow Ting Lee - Mass Communication & Society

Byline: Seow Ting Lee; 2004-01-01; Mass Communication and Society; pages 97-120

Report: Legal and Scholarly Analysis and Commentary

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"Deception is an illusive and difficult issue. The inverse of deception is truthfulness, which is perhaps the closest to a universal value that we have. Deception is objectionable, but this moral outlook is complicated by the systematic nature of deception in human relationships, from little white lies in social intercourse to the far more capacious deception in international relations or warfare. . ."

Description:This article discusses journalistic deception and why it is used.

Rights: Copyrighted, permission pending.

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document titled: Lying to Tell the Truth: Journalists and the Social Context of Deception