Byline: David Corn; Monday, September 17, 2012; Mother Jones;
Report: Undercover in U.S. Political Campaigns
Tags: 47 percent, David Corn, Marc Leder, Mitt Romney, Mother Jones, taxese, taxpayers
Article Links"Mother Jones has obtained video of Romney at this intimate fundraiser - where he candidly discussed his campaign strategy and foreign policy ideas in stark terms he does not use in public - and has confirmed its authenticity. To protect the confidential source who provided the video, we have blurred some of the image, and we will not identify the date or location of the veent, which occurred after Romney had clinched the Republican nomination. [UPDATE: We can now report that this fundraiser was held in the Boca Raton home of controversial private equity manager Marc Leder on May 17 and we've removed the blurring from the video. See the original blurred videos here. . . . "
Rights: Access to online material.