"I Saw Another Side of North Korea While Traveling Undercover" - Benjamin Mack - Business Insider

"In June 2013, I traveled to North Korea's North Hamgyong Province undercover, not disclosing that I was a journalist in order to get a sense of life in areas from from Pyongyang"

Byline: Benjamin Mack; 2014-05-08; Business Insider; 

Report: Undercover in North Korea

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 "For eight days, I lived undercover, hiding the truth from my traveling companions and near-ubiquitous military guards. . . .Panic shot through me when the North Koreans looked at my passport, inside which was my worker's permit for Germany which states I'm a journalist . . . Fortunately they couldn't read the German . . . " 

Description:Reporter recounts his experiences in North Korea, where he traveled for eight days to report on life outside of Pyongyang. He did not disclose that he was a reporter. With photos.

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