"Woman in Cabanas" - Cecil Charles - New York World

Byline: Cecil Charles; 1896-08-07; New York World; pages 7

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"For Twenty-four hours I have been unable to read or write or indeed od much else than sit with a compress over my eyes, which are burning, bloodshot and swollen from the irritation of sunglare and horrible sand in the court of the Cabanas prison where I have spent a Sunday. It is a short sail or row across from he Caballeria wharf to Casa Blanca and the boats are full of people laughing and chatting gayly--thanks to the sanguinen Latin temperament--and carrying such little presents as they may be permitted to offer the prisoners after a rigid scrutiny of packages and baskets."

Description:Cecil Charles reports from Cabanas prison, entering with a group of local women. Under suspicion from the guards, her manuscript is confiscated and she is forced to escape wearing boy's clothing.

Rights: Out of Copyright

Additional Media

Headline from the New York World reading 'Woman in Cabanas. Cecil Charles Visits Competitor's Men in Prison. Afterwards Fled for Life. Spanish Officers Eyed her Closely While She Was in the Fortress. Confiscated All Her Manuscripts."

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