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II-"The Woman That Toils" - Marie van Vorst's- Everybody's Magazine
" ... I laid aside all that pertained to the class in which I was educated and became for a time an American working woman. To live as she lived, work as she worked, see as she saw, and to be party to her ambitions, her pleasures, her privations as far as was, under the circumstances, possible. As I worked by her side, hour after hour, day after day, I hoped to become a mirror in which she should be reflected, to be afterward her mouth-piece to those who know so vastly little of the annals of continuous, unremitting, everlasting toil."
Everybody's Magazine 1902-10-01
I- "Toilers of the Home: A College Woman's Experience as a Domestic Servant" -Lillian Pettengill -Everybody's Magazine
Everybody's Magazine 1903-03-01
Lillian Pettengill's "Toilers of the Home" for Everybody's Magazine - Part One
Everybody's Magazine 1903-03-01