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Subject is exactly The Argus

"Manly Sports" - John Stanley James - The Argus

The Argus  1876-09-30

"Hospital Funerals" - John Stanley James - The Argus (Melbourne, AUJ

 " ... The patient being dead, what happens to him? The first thing done is to communicate wiht his friends and ascertain if they are able or willing to bury him. If not, he receives a pauper's funeral at thee Melbourne General Cemetery. . . . "

The Argus  1876-12-23

Letter to the Editor: "The Kanaka Labour Traffic" - The Argus

I make this suggestion feeling confident that The Argus, after going to the expense of sending a special commissioner to inquire into all the particulars as to how the labour traffic is conducted, will make use of it if considered of sufficient importance. And a recommendation from The Argus would doubtless have the desired effect in providing this additional security for the safe conduct home of the returned Kanakas labourer.

The Argus  1892-12-10

Editorial: "The Kanaka Labour Traffic" - The Argus

It will be noticed that our correspondent gives a very different description of the recruiting of Polynesian labourers from that which has formed the basis of innumerable speeches at Exeter-hall and at church meetings both in Australia and the United Kingdom. Our correspondent recounts the facts that he has seen; the philanthropists who begin by assuming that English planters and traders must be cruel and unscrupulous and oppressive, have to rely on their own imagination or on the wearisome reiteration of old grievances which can never be heard of under the present system.

The Argus  1892-12-07