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Subject is exactly election fraud

"Reform Vote Law: Ogilvie" - John Elmer - The Chicago Tribune

"Gov. Ogilvie today renewed his demand for full scale election law reform, including a state board of elections to supervise local boards and prevent vote fraud. . .: 

The Chicago Tribune  1972-09-13

Reaction: Task Force Vote Fraud Investigation: "Suit Seeks U.S. Court Control of Election Board" - William Currie - Chicago Tribune

"Directors of Operation LEAP, an independent election watchdog group, yesterday sued in United States District Court seeking federal court control of the Chicago Board of Election Commissioners. . ." 

The Chicago Tribune  1972-09-12

Reaction: Task Force Vote Fraud Investigation: "State Acts on Vote Fraud" - George Bliss - Chicago Tribune

"A special Illinois legislative committee was named yesterday to probe disclosures of widespread vote fraud in Chicago and to introduce sweeping new legislation aimed at curbing 'the massive vote stealing here' . . ." 

The Chicago Tribune  1972-09-12

Sidebar: Task Force Vote Fraud Investigation: "Forgery Rampant in 7th Precinct, 24th Ward" - William Mullen and Pamela Zekman - Chicago Tribune

"The numerous forgeries found in the 7th Precinct of the 24th Ward were so crudely done that in many cases names were misspelled on the ballot applications. Donald Doud, a handwriting expert, identified 17 ballot applications in this precinct as being executed by the same writer."

The Chicago Tribune  1972-09-11

Reaction: Task Force Vote Fraud Investigation: "U.S. to Widen Vote Probe" - Ronald Yates and William Mullen - Chicago Tribune

"United States Atty. James R. Thompson said yesterday his office will widen its investigation of voting irregularities to include all wards and precincts were evidence compiled by The Chicago Tribune indicates fraud. Thompson vowed to end the widespread vote fraud as revealed in The Tribune's investigation of the Chicago Board of Election Commissioners."

The Chicago Tribune  1972-09-11

II-Task Force Vote Fraud Investigation: "Election Board Infiltrated by Tribune's reporter" - William Mullen - Chicago Tribune

"Kusper does not want an outsider to see how his Democratic staff is handling this machinery. He doesn't want anybody to see how many thousands of nonexistent voters are registered in his files - nonexistent voters who comes from nowhere on election days to ring up Democratic votes and victories."

The Chicago Tribune  1972-09-10

X-Task Force Vote Fraud Investigation: "Vote Canvass Fails; Ghosts Haunt Rolls" - George Bliss and William Currie - Chicago Tribune

"Despite an official door-to-door canvass by the Chicago Board of Election Commission-ers, the Tribune has uncovered large numbers of ineligible voters still registered to vote on Nov. 7.  Addresses of empty lots, parking areas, and abandoned buildings are being used. . ."

The Chicago Tribune  1972-10-30

Follow-up: Task Force Vote Fraud Investigation: "Details of Vote Stealing Charges" - Pamela Zekman and William Currie - Chicago Tribune

"Five city and county patronage workers were among the 37 officials and Democratic Party workers named yesterday in federal indictments charging them with conspiring to steal votes in the March 21 election. . ."

The Chicago Tribune  1972-10-28

Reaction: Task Force Vote Fraud Investigation: "37 indicted in Vote Fixes; Total Hits 75" - George Bliss - Chicago Tribune

"U.S. Atty James R. Thompson announced yesterday that a federal grand jury has named 37 persons in vote fraud indictments following an investigation that found up to 50 per cent of the votes cast in many precincts were obtained thru forgeries.  The eight indictments naming the election judges and precinct workers were returned Thursday and ordered supressed until yesterday while federal agents with arrest warrants sought the defendants. . ."

The Chicago Tribune  Saturday, October 28, 1972

Reaction: Task Force Vote Fraud Investigation: "Subpena Ward Boss Lists" - George Bliss and Pamela Zekman - Chicago Tribune

"At least 15 ward committee-men have been subpenaed by a federal grand jury to produce rosters of their precinct captains and other workers.  The lists have long been closely guarded secrets in ward politics. . ."

The Chicago Tribune  1972-10-21

Reaction: Task Force Vote Fraud Investigation: "FBI Probes Terror in West Side Politics" - William Currie - Chicago Tribune

"Political Terrorism in Chicago's West Side wards is under investigation by Federal Bureau of Investigation agents on orders from United States Department of Justice officials in Washington.  The federal agents are probing reports of continuing physical threats to members of a West Side voters' rights group in their efforts to assure an honest election on Nov. 7. . ."

The Chicago Tribune  1972-10-14

Reaction: Task Force Vote Fraud Investigation: "Fraud Check Proposed by Vote Commissioner" - William Currie - Chicago Tribune

"A member of the Chicago Board of Election Commissioners has threatened vote stealers with a spot check of ballot application signatures in the board offices after the Nov. 7 elections.  The unprecedented plan to thwart the historic vote fraud in Chicago was disclosed by Francis P. Canary, one of the two Democratic members, in an interview with the Tribune. . ."

The Chicago Tribune  1972-10-13

Reaction: Task Force Vote Fraud Investigation: "Kusper Opposes Use of Marshals at Polls" - Pamela Zekman and William Currie - Chicago Tribune

"An angry Stanley T. Kusper Jr., chairman of the Chicago Board of Election Commissioners, said yesterday that he is 'unalterably opposed' to having federal marshals in polling places in order to deter vote fraud in the general election on Nov. 7. . ."

The Chicago Tribune  1972-10-11

Follow-up: Task Force Vote Fraud Investigation: "Kusper Office Ballot Records are Missing" - George Bliss and William Mullen - Chicago Tribune

"Ballot applications stored in the City Hall office of the Chicago Board of Election Commissioners have mysteriously disappeared for a precinct under investigation for wholesale forgeries and double voting.  It was also revealed yesterday that board officials have been unable to account for the location of all the ballot applications for at least a dozen other precincts in wards where investigatiors have uncovered massive evidence of vote fraud. . ."

The Chicago Tribune  1972-10-10

Follow-up: Task Force Vote Fraud Investigation: "Kusper Crony Draws Big Fee From Vote Board" - William Mullen and George Bliss - Chicago Tribune

"William R. Ming, convicted tax evader and law associate of Stanley T. Kusper Jr., has collected more than $74,000 as special attorney for Kusper's Chicago Board of Election Commissioners.  The Controversial Kusper has been able to keep Ming on voucher payments from the board while the board has failed for three years to fill a budgeted vacancy for a full-time attorney at $15,000 a year.  That is less than half the $32,320.83 the city has paid Ming so far in 1972. . ."

The Chicago Tribune  1972-10-09

Reaction: Task Force Vote Fraud Investigation: "U.S. Probes '71 Vote in 34th Ward" - William Currie - Chicago Tribune

"Federal prosecuters are widening their investigation of Chicago vote fraud to include a bitterly contested aldermanic allection in 1971, and separate charges involving Ald. Edwin P. Fifeiski (45th).  Government attorneys are studying affidavits by hundreds of registered voters who swore thatthey voted in the 1971 34th ward aldermanic race for losing candidate Augustus (Gus) Savage. . ."

Follow-up: Task Force Vote Fraud Investigation: "2 Precinct Bosses Take 5th In Probe" - George Bliss and William Currie - Chicago Tribune

"Two Democratic precinct captains who recruited other Democrats to work illegally as Republican election judges in the March 21 primary yesterday refused to answer questions of an Illinois House elections subcommittee.  The two precinct bosses and an election judge who served illegally as a Republican each invoked their rights to refuse to answe questions at least 20 times. . ."

The Chicago Tribune  1972-10-06

VIII-Task Force Vote Fraud Investigation: "Vote Machine Waste Told" - William Currie - Chicago Tribune

"The Chicago Board of Elections Commissioners has been ignoring simple money-saving bidding procedures to award favored companies millions of dollars worth of contracts for storing and moving its voting machines and materials, the Tribune has learned.  Since Stanley T. Kausper Jr. became chairman of the board in 1969, Cook County, which pays for moving city machines during general elections, and the city have appropriated $4 million to pay eight Chicago movers for storing and moving the machines and materials. . ."

The Chicago Tribune  1972-10-04