Browse Primary Sources
"WATCH: Full Secret Video of Private Romney Fundraiser" - David Corn - Mother Jones
"The complete video demonstrates that Romney was not snippetized and that he was captured raw and uncut. Here it is, in two parts."
Mother Jones 2012-09-19
"Now the Cover-Up" - Herald Staff - Miami Herald
"Gary Hart now has added lying to his previously documented demonstrations of bad judgement. The Democratic Presidential candidate is behaving in the classic pattern of a man trapped by public disclosure of his own actions: he is shading the truth. . ."
Miami Herald Thursday, May 7, 1987
"Some Hart Aides Admit Anger Over His Judgement" - Robert S. Boyd - Miami Herald
". . .ABC News released a poll Tuesday indicating that Hart's big lead over other Democratic presidential candidates had fallen 10 points after the allegations. . ."
Miami Herald Wednesday, May 6, 1987
"Private Lives Public Business in Presidential Campaign" - Heath Meriwether - Miami Herald
". . .We conducted surveillance of Hart's capitol Hill townhouse from the public streets. We didn't hide in the bushes or peep in windows, as Hart's campaign manager has suggested. And when the candidate seemed aware of our presence, we broke off our suveillance and went to him with our questions. We then published our story. . ."
Miami Herald 1987-05-05
"Pictures With Woman Helped End Campaign" - Owen Ullmann - Miami Herald
". . .Post reporters checked out the material and concluded by Wednesday night that it was accurate. A Post reporter covering the Hart campaign in New Hampshire told Hart press secretary Kevin Sweeney about the material late that night. The reporter tried to ask Hart directly about the material. Hart was informed immediately about the material but would not talk to the reporter. . ."
Miami Herald 1987-05-09
"Hart to Drop Presidential Bid" - Robert S. Boyd, Carl Cannon and Paul Nussbaum - Miami Herald
". . .Faced with the prospect of another damaging allegation of a relationship with a woman other than his wife, the 50-year-old former Colorado senator abruptly broke off his quest for the White House Thursday and flew home with his wife, Lee, from a campaign swing in New Hampshire. . ."
Miami Herald 1987-05-08
"Top Aide's Account Contradicts Hart's" - Tom Fiedler and Jim McGee - Miami Herald
"Gary Hart's campaign manager has offered an account of Hart's weekend meetings with aspiring Miami actress Donna Rice that flatly contradicts explanations from Hart and another campaign advisor. William Dixon attacked a Miami Herald report about Hart's relationship with Rice as 'preposterous; and 'inaccurate in every way' . . ."
Miami Herald 1987-05-05
"Journalists Debate Ethics of Herald Story" - Celia W. Dugger - Miami Herald
". . .Their concern is the story behind the Hart story, which led Monday evening's network newscasts on ABC, NBC and CBS. Some leading journalists criticized The Herald for using what they considered unethical tactics to get the story, and then rushing it into print Sunday before it was adequately checked out. . ."
Miami Herald 1987-05-05
"Hart: I Did Nothing Wrong - Presidential Candidate Calls Miami Woman Acquantance" - Jim McGee and Tom Fiedler - Miami Herald
"Democratic presidential candidate Gary Hart acrried on a private relationship with a young Miami woman for at least two months that included long-distance phone calls and avisit to his Washington townhouse this weekend, according the a Herald investigation and Hart's own admissions. . ."
Miami Herald 1987-05-04
"Miami Woman is Linked to Hart - Candidate Denies Any Impropriety" - Jim McGee and Tom Fiedler - Miami Herald
"Gary Hart, the Democratic presidential candidate who has dismissed allegations of womanizing, spent Friday night and most of Saturday in his Capitol Hill townhouse with a young woman who flew from Miami and met him, Hart denied any impropreity. Hart, 50, was confronted late Saturday evening by Miami Herald reporters who had documented the movements of the former Colorado senator and the unidentified woman from the time she left Miami on Friday afternoon aboard Eastern Airlines Flight 996. . ."
Miami Herald 1987-05-03
"Sex Lives Become an Issue for Presidential Hopefuls" - Tom Fiedler - Miami Herald
". . .So as his campaign plane flew toward yet another stop, the press demanded to talk with Hart on the subject that had dominated reporters' conversations for days: his sex life. More precisely, they wanted to quiz him about rumors of marital infidelity. . ."
Miami Herald 1987-04-27
"Study Critical of Sheriff's Department" - Lucy Morgan - St. Petersburg Times
"The National Sheriff's Association has criticized the way Pasco County Sheriff John M. Short runs his department in a 60-page report that recommends a host of changes. Short requested the management study earlier this year in response to a series of St. Petersburg Times stories critical of the way he runs his department. . ."
St. Petersburg Times 1984-05-05
"Deputies With Special Ties to Short Get Special Treatment" - Lucy Morgan - St. Petersburg Times
". . .Pasco County Deputies Al Denning and Victor Morris were fired for taking an unauthorized coffee break - in a department where other deputies survived despite the fact that they filed false police reports, flunked polygraph tests and associated with organized crime figures. Deputies with special ties to Sheriff John M. Short frequently escape serious punishment while others are fired over minor infractions, according to files reviewed by the Times over the past seven months. . ."
St. Petersburg Times 1984-02-26
"Reckless Acts" - Chris Halsne - The IRE Journal
". . .Our investigative producer, Bill Benson, went to work tracking down the most serious cases so we could add examples into our television story. He started with drunken driving and negligent driving cases. Remember: The data we received with our request was void of personal information. The computer did, however, give us a location of the traffic stop, time of day, a mile post, and even a notation if a citation was issued because of an accident. We could figure out which district or traffic court held the case file by mapping the mile post. After that, it was as simple as thumbing through files to spot notations by police that identified government cars involved. Sometimes the driver's 'occupation' field gave us solid leads as well. . ."
IRE Journal 2004-11-01
"Outing Case: Cries of 'Hypocrite' for Pastor, Magazine" – Jeff Strickler - Minneapolis Star-Tribune
"A Minneapolis gay magazine story allegedly 'outing' a minister based on comments he made during a therapy session is generating a flood of controversy, both about the minister and the magazine's reporting techniques. . ."
Minneapolis Star-Tribune 2010-06-23