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VI-"The First Steps in a Chorus Girl's Life" - Catherine King - New York Evening World
". . .I had gone the rounds of all the big offices and had entered upon the second week of my search when I determined on a somewhat bolder plan of procedure. Heretofore I had dressed quietly and had conducted all my inquires and requests for interviews modestly, as one asking a favor. As a fast resort I resolved to take a more aggressive attitude. . ."
New York Evening World 1898-08-08
IV-"Girl Toilers' Chance at Selling Books" - Catherine King - New York Evening World
"I had tried several ways of earning a living and had found none that would have brought me enough to even settle my board bill, had I been in real distress. I felt that I must find something. Other women reduced to financial straits manage to earn a living somehow and I must do the same. I searched again the advertisements in the papers and found that although there was plenty of work offered for women, most of it required special training. . ."
New York Evening World 1898-08-01
II-"Girl Toilers' Work and Wages" - Catherine King - New York Evening World
"Clearly I was not intended for a shop girl. One day's experience had proved this. I turned my attention in other directions. 'Why not become a waitress?' said I to myself. So I resolved to try to secure a position in some downtown restaurant. . ."
New York Evening World 1898-07-27