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Subject is exactly Better Government Association

IV-Task Force Vote Fraud Investigation: "Probe Shows Plight of G.O.P. Poll Judges" - George Bliss - Chicago Tribune

"The Tribune Task Force's investigation of election records in the March primary election has uncovered other reasons why many precinct election boards are manned only by Democrats. Historically, Democratic officials have countered similar revelations by saying that Republican officials fail to provide the Board of Election Commissioners with enough G.O.P. judge applicants."

The Chicago Tribune  1972-09-11

X-"The Abortion Profiteers" - Pamela Zekman and Pamela Warrick - Chicago Sun-Times

Nine out of 10 times, a simple urine test accurately diagnoses pregnancy. And, unless there is other proof of pregnancy, medical experts say, women with negative tests are not candidates for abortions. But working undercover at the Water Tower Reproductive Center, 840 N, Michigan, BGA investigator Mindy Trossman counted 81 abortion procedures performed on women with negative pregnancy tests. That was 12 per cent of all women who received abortions during the two months Trossman worked there.

Chicago Sun Times  1978-11-22