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Subject is exactly George Allen

"Dr. Theobald Supports Most of Allen Points" - Robert Prall - New York World Telegram & Sun

Dr. John J. Theobald, superintendent of city schools, yesterday agreed with the bulk of the conclusions of reporter George N. Allen, who for two months served as a teacher in Brooklyn's John Marshall Junior High School.

New York World-Telegram and Sun  1958-12-02

Editorial: "Improving New York's Schools" - Unsigned - New York World Telegram & Sun

The objective of Mr. Allen's temporary role as a teacher, and of this newspaper's printing of his factual reports on classroom conditions as he found them, has been to perform a public service. Before reforms can be achieved, we believe it is essential that the public have the facts to guide it intelligently.

New York World-Telegram and Sun  1958-12-01