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Subject is exactly discrimination

"NBC: Staging the News Again?" - Michelle Malkin

". . .Catch that? The apparent “sting” involves targeting Nascar and other sporting events. ‘Cause that’s presumably where the fair and balanced NBC news staff thinks all the bigots are. . ."

"Real Estate Probe Built on Deception" - Henry McNulty - Hartford Courant

"The Courant staffers who showed up at real-estate offices pretended to be potential home buyers, but they were not. They used altered names, and provided other false information that masked their identities as reporters. In short, they didn't tell the truth. "In this case, was that so very wrong? Doesn't the result justify the falsehoods? . . . I say the lying was unjustified. It's not easy, or pleasant, to find fault with what The Courant did. But even when the goals are noble, and the results are positive for the community, I don't think journalists should lie."

Hartford Courant  1989-06-04