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Subject is exactly exposing fraud

"Anthropologist's 'Dick Tracy moment' plays role in arrest of suspected kidney trafficker" - Daily News

"The Brooklyn man arrested Thursday for dealing in black-market kidneys was identified to the FBI seven years ago as a major figure in a global human organ ring. Levy-Izhak Rosenbaum's name, address and even phone number were passed to an FBI agent in a meeting at the Roosevelt Hotel in Manhattan by a prominent anthropologist who has been studying and documenting organ trafficking for more than a decade. . ."

New York Daily News  2009-07-24

"CBS 5 Goes Undercover to Investigate Black Market Birth Control" - Lindsey Reiser - CBS 5

". . .Yerberias may be a great place to find natural remedies for whatever might be ailing you - maybe a stomachache or a headache. But CBS 5 News has learned some Valley yerberias are also a great place to find birth control, oftentimes brought here from Mexico.We asked for contraceptives at five yerberias in Phoenix, and got some at two of them, for about $20 each, without a prescription. . ."

CBS News  2012-05-08

"Detecting Consumer Fraud: Salvaged Autos" - Chris Halsne - IRE Journal

". . .I knew doing surveillance on Russian mobsters wasn't the safest idea in the world, but I couldn't bring myself to tell Karin Sumeri's parents. Karin was a young college graduate killed while riding in a used Volvo. The car uncharacteristically sheared apart during a routine accident. The vehicle was rebuilt - totaled by an insurance company several years earlier. Somebody had literally glued the roof back together. Accident investigators say Karin would have lived if the Volvo hadn't been shoddily repaired. . ."

IRE Journal  2002-05-01

II-A - Miracle Merchants: "The Copper-Tinted, $10 Million Office Center Exudes an..." - David Jackson - Chicago Tribune

". . .To some of those the charity promised to serve, that remains an open question.The fund's colorful annual reports list the tangible advances made by its most successful projects around the world, highlighting the aqueducts that bring water to some 240 Colombian families and the grant that gave Gambian doctors 250,000 doses of meningitis vaccines for children. CCF was among the first child sponsorship agencies to stop giving handouts to residents of developing countries, because it found that method of philanthropy fostered dependency and invited employee fraud. . ."

The Chicago Tribune  1998-03-22

I-I - Miracle Merchants: "A Year's Schooling Wasted For the Lack of $9" - Mike Dorning - Chicago Tribune

". . .Because child sponsorship had failed him. Despite a sponsorship through the Rhode Island-based agency Childreach, the boy could not pay his school tuition.Pierre Richard is just one of thousands of children sponsored through Childreach, which tells its donors their money will make big differences in the life of their sponsored child. . ."

The Chicago Tribune  1998-03-15

I-H - Miracle Merchants: "Tiny Fractions Bring Big Bucks" - Mike Dorning - Chicago Tribune

". . .Childreach marketing director Stacey Pulner Mihaly acknowledges that the stories of the children's lives were composites drawn "from the histories of many children." The pictures were randomly selected from Childreach's photo archives, Mihaly said, and the children's names were simply made up. . ."

The Chicago Tribune  1998-03-15

I-G - Miracle Merchants: "Many Can Take a Bow in Developing Nations" - Mike Dorning - Chicago Tribune

". . .When the Tribune asked the organizations to support claims of having a global impact on child survival, education and longevity, they offered anecdotal accounts of improving vaccination rates, increasing the use of contraception and improving nutrition at the community level.They could not provide evidence that conditions in countries where the sponsorship groups are working have improved much more than in other countries. . ."

The Chicago Tribune  1998-03-15

"Medical Welfare Rip-Off" - Joel Grover - The IRE Journal

". . .For months, I'd been getting tips at KCBS describing the same scam: Wealthy Los Angeles doctors were somehow recruiting busloads of homeless patients to come to their clinics. Once there, the homeless patients were asked to fake illnesses, and in return would get paid an illegal kickback. The doctors could then charge bogus treatments to "Medi-Cal," the state's welfare program that provides healthcare for the poor. Sure, it was a great story, but the tips always lacked key information, such as how these homeless patients were recruited, and who was behind this scam. But my producer, Jennifer Cobb, and I were determined to document this amazing scam on undercover tape, start to finish. . ."

IRE Journal  2001-11-01

Reaction-"Save the Children Reacts to Probe, Plans Reform" - Lisa Anderson - Chicago Tribune

". . .In the wake of the Tribune's investigation, Save the Children has begun a number of changes in its operations.For the first time, deaths of sponsored children must be reported to the Westport headquarters and to the sponsor within two days after Save the Children personnel learn of the death, a spokesman for the organization said. . ."

The Chicago Tribune  1998-03-18

I-F - Miracle Merchants: "Myth VS. Reality in Africa" - Hugh Dellios and Lisa Anderson - Chicago Tribune

"The Tribune's sponsored children in Africa did not fit the streotypes or even understanding the concept of being sponsored. For these two boys, the images presented to their sponsors didn't match the reality of their lives. Sponsored? News to him. Salvador Nhabangua does more than teach lessons in the crowded, open-air classrooms of the village school in Zongoene, Mozambique. He writes letters to America.Flashing a broad smile, the 44-year-old teacher cheerfully admits he composes most of the letters that purport to come from children in his classroom, who are among the 216 sponsored through Save the Children Federation Inc. in this farming community overlooking the Limpopo River. Nhabangua takes pride in the task. Unfortunately, he doesn't always take the time to discuss the letters with the children before he writes them. He says that an SCF staffer pays him $5 to $10 a month on an informal basis to write the notes. . ."

The Chicago Tribune  1998-03-15

I-D - Miracle Merchants: "Greetings From Grave: 'We Are All Doing Well'" - Hugh Dellios and Lisa Anderson - Chicago Tribune

"Years after a boy's death, an American family still received messages from Abdoul Kone, the child whom they had sponsored. Their case shows how donors can be betrayed by the sponsorship system.As they had been in previous years, Clover and John Dixon were delighted to receive a 1996 New Year's greeting from this West African village. For nearly six years, a boy from Mali named Abdoul Kone had occupied a special place in their Bellingham, Wash., family, his photograph posted on the refrigerator door and his letters handled with loving care. . ."

The Chicago Tribune  1998-03-15

I-C - Miracle Merchants: "Unprecedented? Charity's Own Probe Finds More Dead Children" - Lisa Anderson - Chicago Tribune

". . .When Chicago Tribune reporter Lisa Anderson discovered that Korotoumou Kone, the child she was sponsoring in Mali, had been dead nearly two years, Save the Children Federation Inc. said the error was unprecedented.But after the Tribune learned that a Bellingham, Wash., family had sponsored a dead child for nearly four years before being notified of his death, SCF began an investigation of its Malian operations. That inquiry, completed last fall, found that at least 24 sponsors had sent the charity money on behalf of dead children in Mali for varying periods of time. . ."

The Chicago Tribune  1998-03-15

I-B - Miracle Merchants: "Relentless Campaigns of Hollow Promises" - Lisa Anderson - Chicago Tribune

". . .But a yearlong Tribune inquiry into four of the leading child sponsorship organizations--Save the Children Federation Inc., Childreach, Children International and the Christian Children's Fund--found this promise of an affordable miracle to be achingly hollow. Sponsored youngsters often received few or no benefits, and in the worst cases children had been dead for years while unwitting donors continued to sponsor them.The Tribune found that the notion of individual child sponsorship exists primarily as a marketing myth. Costly, time-consuming and hampered by the logistical difficulties posed by some of the poorest and most remote places on Earth, child sponsorship succeeds far better as a fundraising engine than it does as a vehicle for providing benefits to the children whose faces sustain it. . ."

The Chicago Tribune  1998-03-15

I-A - The Miracle Merchants - Lisa Anderson - Chicago Tribune

". . .The Tribune found that the notion of individual child sponsorship exists primarily as a marketing myth. Costly, time-consuming and hampered by the logistical difficulties posed by some of the poorest and most remote places on Earth, child sponsorship succeeds far better as a fundraising engine than it does as a vehicle for providing benefits to the children whose faces sustain it.Child sponsorship agencies vigorously defend their approach, maintaining that their donors clearly understand that money does not go to benefit individual children, but to the broader community in which the children live. . ."

The Chicago Tribune  1998-03-15

"U.S. Charges State Abortion Aid Abuse" - Ellen Warren - Chicago Sun-Times

In a letter to Gov. Thompson, [Healh, Education and Welfare Secretary] Califano said that HEW paid the $1 million but now intends to get it back. At issues are the provisions of the "Hyde Amendment" to the HEW budget, which, since Aug. 4, 1977, has prohibited federal spending for Medicaid abortions except when strict criteria are met.

Chicago Sun Times  1978-11-23