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Subject is exactly fraud

"Stem Cell Fraud: A Sixty Minutes Investigation" - Scott Pelly - CBS News Sixty Minutes

CBS News  2012-01-08

Editorial: "The Accident Swindlers": "Licensing Hospitals to Steal" - Chicago Sun-Times

Chicago Sun Times  1980-03-02

Editorial: "The Accident Swindlers": "The Crash and Cash 'Game' and the Chief Perpetrators" - Chicago Sun-Times

Chicago Sun Times  1980-02-14

Reaction: "The Accident Swindlers" “Year in Jail for Accident Swindler”

Chicago Sun Times  1980-07-01

Reaction: "The Accident Swindlers" “State to Suspend License of Hospital in Evanston” - Pamela Zekman and Gene Mustain - Chicago Sun-Times

Chicago Sun Times  1980-06-06

Follow-up: "The Accident Swindlers": “Hospital Aide Ties to 2 Clinics Told” - Pamela Zekman and Gene Mustain - Chicago Sun-Times

"A top official of Community Hospital of Evanston had lucrative financial relationships with two medical clinics that supplied hundreds of the hospital's phony accident patients . . . "

Chicago Sun Times  1980-05-12

Reaction: "The Accident Swindlers": "Panel Blasts Hospital Board'" - Gene Mustain and Pamela Zekman - Chicago Sun-Times

Chicago Sun Times  1980-04-10

Reaction: "The Accident Swindlers": "Hospital in Evanston Loses Accreditation'" - Pamela Zekman and Gene Mustain - Chicago Sun-Times

Chicago Sun Times  1980-04-08

Follow-up: "The Accident Swindlers": "Smashup Cheats- How They Get YOU'" - Pamela Zekman and Gene Mustain - Chicago Sun-Times

Chicago Sun Times  1980-04-06

Story and Editorial: "The Accident Swindlers": "Thompson Bills Hit Accident Fraud" - Pamela Zekman and Gene Mustain - Chicago Sun-Times

Chicago Sun Times  1980-04-05

Reaction: "The Accident Swindlers": "Series Spawns a Wave of Hospital Shakeups'" - Pamela Zekman and Gene Mustain - Chicago Sun-Times

Chicago Sun Times  1980-04-03

Reaction: "The Accident Swindlers": "State Board Orders Evanston Hospital to Hearing'" - Pamela Zekman and Gene Mustain - Chicago Sun-Times

Chicago Sun Times  1980-03-17

Reaction: "The Accident Swindlers": "Hospital Executive's Sideline Pads 'Take'" - Pamela Zekman and Gene Mustain - Chicago Sun-Times

Chicago Sun Times  1980-03-11

Reaction: Task Force Vote Fraud Investigation: "More Poll Cheating Detailed" - William Currie and Pamela Zekman - Chicago Tribune

"More Democrats who acted as Republican election judges in the March primary testified before an Illinois legislative subcommittee that Democratic precinct bosses read the final vote tallies from election machines unchecked by the official judges. . ." 

The Chicago Tribune  1972-09-22

VIII-Task Force Vote Fraud Investigation: "Illinois' Absurd Election Code" - Pamela Zekman - Chicago Tribune

"The Illinois election code is a patchwork quilt of absurdities and contradictions that make honest elections practically impossible. State legislators stitched the code together over the last 30 years, inserting, deleting, and overlooking needed provisions with wild abandon. The law has become sphinxlike, challenging those authorized to administer it and to enforce it to unravel its riddles. . ." 

The Chicago Tribune  1972-09-18

VII-Task Force Vote Fraud Investigation: "Vote-Stealing Old Story in Chicago's Elections" - William Currie - Chicago Tribune

"Vote fraud is an old story in Chicago. Only the names change when exposing the guilty. Currently, the Democrats are suspected vote stealers. A half century ago, Republican precinct workers sponsored by Mayor William H. Thompson were being hauled into courts to face charges resulting from their overzealous campaign strategies. . ." 

The Chicago Tribune  1972-09-18

VI-Task Force Vote Fraud Investigation: "Cracking Dem Sanctum" - William Currie - Chicago Tribune

"It was a job nobody wanted. It was a vacancy for a $20-a-day Republican clerk in the Chicago Board of Election Commissioners office in City Hall. The likelihood of a Republican ever rising above a clerk's job in an office so dominated by Democrats is very dim; so it was not a a job many would seek. . ." 

The Chicago Tribune  1972-09-18

Reaction: Task Force Vote Fraud Investigation: "20 More Vote Fraud Indictments Expected" - George Bliss - Chicago Tribune

"The federal grand jury that indicted 40 persons for vote fraud last week will soon return at least 20 more indictments, it was learned by The Tribune yesterday. . ." 

The Chicago Tribune  1972-09-18

Follow-up: Task Force Vote Fraud Investigation: "List of 40 Indicted in Vote Fraud" - Pamela Zekman and William Currie - Chicago Tribune

"The 40 persons indicted for vote fraud by the federal grand jury and the violations they allegedly committed during the March primary are: . . ." 

The Chicago Tribune  1972-09-17

Reaction: Task Force Vote Fraud Investigation: "U.S. Acts to Protect Vote" - George Bliss and William Mullen - Chicago Tribune

"The federal government announced formation yesterday of a special task force of prosecutors to combat Chicago vote fraud in the Nov. 7 Presidential election. Federal agents meanwhile continued to round up 40 persons named in federal grand jury indictments for vote fraud. . ." 

The Chicago Tribune  1972-09-17

Reaction: Task Force Vote Fraud Investigation: "Kusper Reign Attacked" - George Bliss and William Currie - Chicago Tribune

"A parade of witnesses before a special Illinois House subcommittee investigating massive vote fraud told of vote buying, forgeries, phony election judges, terror tactics, and the beating of a poll watcher in Chicago precinct polling places last March. . ." 

The Chicago Tribune  1972-09-16

Reaction: Task Force Vote Fraud Investigation: "Mass Vote Fraud Arrests" - William Mullen and Pamela Zekman - Chicago Tribune

"A federal grand jury investigating vote fraud during the March primary reportedly returned 12 indictments naming 40 persons yesterday before Chief Judge Edwin A. Robson of Federal District Court. He ordered them suppressed until noon today. . ." 

The Chicago Tribune  1972-09-16

"Move to Divert Vote Probe Fails" - John Elmer - The Chicago Tribune

"A lone Republican joined Democrats today to try to prevent a special legislative subcomittee from launching a probe tomorrow into widespread Chicago vote fraud, but the move was blocked by Rep. Philip Collins (R., Chicago), House Elections Committee chairman. . ." 

The Chicago Tribune  1972-09-15

Reaction: Task Force Vote Fraud Investigation: "Percy Urges FBI Probe of Vote Fraud in Chicago" - Unsigned - Chicago Tribune

"Sen. Percy (R., Ill.) today urged Atty. Gen. Richard Kleindienst to order the Federal Bureau of Investigation to examine evidence of vote fraud in Chicago and, possibly, to supervise the general election in November. . ." 

The Chicago Tribune  1972-09-15

Reaction: Task Force Vote Fraud Investigation: "Prober Violated Law: Kusper" - George Bliss and Pamela Zekman - Chicago Tribune

"Lashing out at Tribune disclosures of widespread vote fraud and election day irregularities, Kusper cited the law the reporter allegedly broke, but under sharp questioning admitted he himself has worked as an attorney on private legal matters while he has been board chairman. . ." 

The Chicago Tribune  1972-09-15

V-Task Force Vote Fraud Investigation: "Workers Fight to Save Jobs" - William Mullen and William Currie - Chicago Tribune

"It is not just loyalty to the Democratic Party which has spawned partisan election boards in many of Chicago's wards. More often than not, it is a matter of survival for the local Democratic precinct captains and patronage employees. The Tribune Task Force uncovered hundreds of election judges who violated election rules. Many did so out of ignorance, others, in order to survive the competitive patronage system. . ." 

The Chicago Tribune  1972-09-14

Reaction: Task Force Vote Fraud Investigation: "3 Are Indicted in Vote Fraud" - George Bliss - Chicago Tribune

"A 46th Ward Democratic precinct captain, his wife and the wife of his assistant precinct captain were indicted by the county grand jury yesterday for voting from a precinct where they did not live during the March primary. . ." 

The Chicago Tribune  1972-09-14

"20,000 Seek U.S. Marshals in Polls" - George Bliss and William Currie - The Chicago Tribune

"The signatures of 20,000 Chicago voters demanding federal marshals for the city's polling places will be presented at the White House Friday, leaders of a West Side coalition group announced yesterday at a press conference. . ."

The Chicago Tribune  1972-09-13

Follow-up: Task Force Vote Fraud Investigation: "Kusper Probers 'Blind' to Fraud" - Unsigned - Chicago Tribune

"The Chicago Board of Election Commissioners pays $84,000 a year for eight full-time investigators who apparently do nothing much more than administrative work. . ." 

The Chicago Tribune  1972-09-13

Follow-up: Task Force Vote Fraud Investigation: "Loose Controls Permit Vote Judges to Switch Parties" - William Mullen - Chicago Tribune

"Control of Chicago election judges has been so loose in past elections that the judges take turns switching parties for each election, an investigation by The Tribune Task Force has disclosed. . ." 

The Chicago Tribune  1972-09-13

Follow-up: Task Force Vote Fraud Investigation: "Kusper Bars Press from Voter Files" - Pamela Zekman - Chicago Tribune

"Stanley T. Kusper Jr., chairman of the Chicago Election Board, who previous declared that his office records always are open to press and public scrutiny, shut the door yesterday on reporters' requests to examine office documents. . ." 

The Chicago Tribune  1972-09-13

Follow-up: Task Force Vote Fraud Investigation: "Poll Judge Violations Condoned in Election Office" - William Mullen - Chicago Tribune

"Flagrant violations of a key regulation governing the appointment of election judges have allowed hundreds of Democratic-sponsored election judges to absorb the jobs of Republican judges at polling places thruout [sic] the city, a Tribune Task Force investigation has disclosed. . ." 

The Chicago Tribune  1972-09-12

Reaction: Task Force Vote Fraud Investigation: "State Acts on Vote Fraud" - George Bliss - Chicago Tribune

"A special Illinois legislative committee was named yesterday to probe disclosures of widespread vote fraud in Chicago and to introduce sweeping new legislation aimed at curbing 'the massive vote stealing here' . . ." 

The Chicago Tribune  1972-09-12

IV-Task Force Vote Fraud Investigation: "Probe Shows Plight of G.O.P. Poll Judges" - George Bliss - Chicago Tribune

"The Tribune Task Force's investigation of election records in the March primary election has uncovered other reasons why many precinct election boards are manned only by Democrats. Historically, Democratic officials have countered similar revelations by saying that Republican officials fail to provide the Board of Election Commissioners with enough G.O.P. judge applicants."

The Chicago Tribune  1972-09-11

Reaction: Task Force Vote Fraud Investigation: "U.S. to Widen Vote Probe" - Ronald Yates and William Mullen - Chicago Tribune

"United States Atty. James R. Thompson said yesterday his office will widen its investigation of voting irregularities to include all wards and precincts were evidence compiled by The Chicago Tribune indicates fraud. Thompson vowed to end the widespread vote fraud as revealed in The Tribune's investigation of the Chicago Board of Election Commissioners."

The Chicago Tribune  1972-09-11

III-Task Force Vote Fraud Investigation: "Dem-Rule Polls Kill 2-Party System" - George Bill and William Mullen - Chicago Tribune

"Democratic Party bosses have seized control over the appointments of Republican election judges in hundreds of key precincts and have destroyed the bipartisan election system in the large areas of Chicago, a Tribune Task Force investigation has disclosed."

The Chicago Tribune  1972-09-11

I-"Reveal Huge Vote Fraud" - George Bliss - Chicago Tribune

"Evidence of more than 1,000 cases of election fraud in the March 21 primary election has been discovered by a Tribune Task Force reporter who worked undercover for three months in the Chicago Board of Election Commissioner's City Hall offices."

The Chicago Tribune  1972-09-10

"U.S. Charges State Abortion Aid Abuse" - Ellen Warren - Chicago Sun-Times

In a letter to Gov. Thompson, [Healh, Education and Welfare Secretary] Califano said that HEW paid the $1 million but now intends to get it back. At issues are the provisions of the "Hyde Amendment" to the HEW budget, which, since Aug. 4, 1977, has prohibited federal spending for Medicaid abortions except when strict criteria are met.

Chicago Sun Times  1978-11-23

VIII-"The Abortion Profiteers" - Pamela Zekman and Pamela Warrick - Chicago Sun-Times

Chicago's abortion profiteers are padding their profits with Medicaid funds illegally obtained through kickbacks and fraudulent billing schemes. During a five-month investigation of some abortion clinics and referral agencies, the Sun-Times and Better Government Assn. have documented massive abuse of the Medicaid program and flagrant violations of federal law.

Chicago Sun Times  1978-11-20