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Subject is exactly infiltrated Ku Klux Klan

IX-"My Life With The Klan" - Jerry Thompson - Nashville Tennessean

I was saddened every time I saw Klan children at a KKK function. In the flickering light of huge crosses in vacant fields there were always the beautiful, shining faces of small children - boys and girls - not yet in their teens; Klan children. They were being introduced to the Klan's racist doctrine of white supremacy. Each time I saw them I felt sorry for them.

The Nashville Tennessean My Life With The Klan (Series Reprint from the Nashville Tennesseean)  1980-12-15

III-"My Life With The Klan" - Jerry Thompson - Nashville Tennessean

...on an unseasonably warm night last Feb. 23, Dr. Frank Abernathy welcomed approximately 60 of us - some were Klan members but most were not Klansmen - to his rambling ranch-style residence about 25 miles from Birmingham. There Don Black, then Alabama Grand Dragon, appealed to all who were there to join his Klan Knights.

The Nashville Tennessean My Life With The Klan (Series Reprint from the Nashville Tennesseean)  1980-12-09

II-"My Life With The Klan" - Jerry Thompson - Nashville Tennessean

I was about to become an undercover member of the Ku Klux Klan - but only if I first could withstand Klan leader Don Black's rapid-fire cross-examination about my background. And it was clear that he was suspicious, as he must be about every Klan recruit. He eyes, staring intently into my own, did not waved. He was looking for that flicker of hesitation, that momentary stumble, that one slip of mine that would tip him off that I was not what I pretended to be.

The Nashville Tennessean My Life With The Klan (Series Reprint from the Nashville Tennesseean)  1980-12-08