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Subject is exactly medicaid

"Stinger: James O’Keefe’s Greatest Hits" - Zev Chafets - New York Times Magazine

"The temperature was hovering near 90 degrees on the afternoon of Memorial Day when James O'Keefe III emerged from the woods and ambled over to my car. He was tall and thin, with pale skin and matted reddish hair. When his mug shot ran in the papers, some people told him he looked like Matthew Modine. Others said Lee Harvey Oswald. On the day I met him, he wore muddy work boots, filthy jeans and, despite the heat, a long-sleeved shirt. “Keeps the mosquitoes off,” he said. All day he was in the outback of a regional park just west of the Hudson, breaking rocks with a pickax to construct a trail. As a boy he was an Eagle Scout, but this wasn’t a nature project. O’Keefe, the man whose video stings helped take down high-ranking people at National Public Radio and led to the demise of Acorn, the nation’s biggest grass-roots community organizing group, was doing federal time. . ."

The New York Times  2011-07-27

VII-Von Solbrig Task Force: "Hospital Proves a Costly Haven for Alcoholics" - Task Force Report - Chicago Tribune

"For the alcoholic deperate for a cure, the hospital is a sham, the treatment a cruel joke. For the welfare loafer eager for a free ride, it is a $78-a-day hotel where a person can float for days on powerful tranquilizers. And for the taxpayer, Northeast Community Hospital is an expensive charade that squanders valuable Medicaid dollars. . ."

The Chicago Tribune  1975-09-10

"State aid chief raps HEW on abortion issue" - Ellen Warren - Chicago Sun-Times

The head of the Illinois Department of Public Aid, stung by federal accusations that the state improperly billed with government for $1 million in Medicaid abortions, demanded Thursday that these charges be withdrawn.

Chicago Sun Times  1978-12-01

"U.S. Charges State Abortion Aid Abuse" - Ellen Warren - Chicago Sun-Times

In a letter to Gov. Thompson, [Healh, Education and Welfare Secretary] Califano said that HEW paid the $1 million but now intends to get it back. At issues are the provisions of the "Hyde Amendment" to the HEW budget, which, since Aug. 4, 1977, has prohibited federal spending for Medicaid abortions except when strict criteria are met.

Chicago Sun Times  1978-11-23

VIII-"The Abortion Profiteers" - Pamela Zekman and Pamela Warrick - Chicago Sun-Times

Chicago's abortion profiteers are padding their profits with Medicaid funds illegally obtained through kickbacks and fraudulent billing schemes. During a five-month investigation of some abortion clinics and referral agencies, the Sun-Times and Better Government Assn. have documented massive abuse of the Medicaid program and flagrant violations of federal law.

Chicago Sun Times  1978-11-20