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Subject is exactly planned parenthood

"Campaign Desk: Stingers from Our Past" - Joel Meares - CJR

". . . How exactly do we assess such a thing [undercover stings]? It’s not scientific. But Poynter’s Bob Steele has ventured in the past to provide a checklist of rather strict guidelines that must all be adhered to if deception is to be justified in journalism. These include: the information obtained being in the public interest; all alternative methods of obtaining the information being exhausted; the story being told fully; any harm prevented outweighing the harm caused by the deception; and all ethical and legal issues being closely considered. With those in mind, and the particulars of each case on hand, here’s our trip down an ethically murky memory lane. . . . "

Columbia Journalism Review  2011-03-10

"Planned Parenthood Agreed to Accept Race-Motivated Donations" - Josiah Ryan - CNS News

( - According to telephone conversations taped by a student pro-life publication, The Advocate, at the University of California-Los Angeles (UCLA), Planned Parenthood locations in Ohio and Idaho agreed to accept money targeted at minorities even when racist intentions were expressed.Planned Parenthood of Central Ohio confirmed to Cybercast News Service that the telephone conversation with a presumed donor occurred in mid-summer 2007, adding that it was not the policy of Planned Parenthood to accept donations specifically to underwrite abortions among minority women.James O' Keefe, a first-year law student and an advisor for the The Advocate, made the telephone call posing as a potential donor to Planned Parenthood of Ohio.The tape begins with a portion of the call in which O'Keefe confirms the location of the Planned Parenthood facility in Columbus, Ohio. According to Lila Rose, the editor-in-chief of The Advocate and a sophomore at UCLA, the tape then cuts to the relevant portion of the call in which O'Keefe offers a donation:

CNS News  2008-07-07

"Stinger: James O’Keefe’s Greatest Hits" - Zev Chafets - New York Times Magazine

"The temperature was hovering near 90 degrees on the afternoon of Memorial Day when James O'Keefe III emerged from the woods and ambled over to my car. He was tall and thin, with pale skin and matted reddish hair. When his mug shot ran in the papers, some people told him he looked like Matthew Modine. Others said Lee Harvey Oswald. On the day I met him, he wore muddy work boots, filthy jeans and, despite the heat, a long-sleeved shirt. “Keeps the mosquitoes off,” he said. All day he was in the outback of a regional park just west of the Hudson, breaking rocks with a pickax to construct a trail. As a boy he was an Eagle Scout, but this wasn’t a nature project. O’Keefe, the man whose video stings helped take down high-ranking people at National Public Radio and led to the demise of Acorn, the nation’s biggest grass-roots community organizing group, was doing federal time. . ."

The New York Times  2011-07-27

"Planned Parenthood - Cleaner Race by 'Helping' Blacks" - Lila Rose, James O'Keefe - UCLA Campus Buzz

Hannity's America features a segment on The Advocate's 7-state investigation into Planned Parenthood's dirty money--employees accept donations from racists to abort Black Babies. Planned Parenthood has been targeting minorities since it was founded by elitist Margaret Sanger, who wanted to use abortion to control and limit minorities...And with almost 80% of Planned Parenthood clinics in minority neighborhoods, with African American women almost 4 times more likely than whites to abort, Planned Parenthood's founder's vision is lived out today...By killing over 1400 Black babies a day, Planned Parenthood and abortion affiliates are accomplishing what the KKK could only dream about...Don't excuse this kind of killing. Demand that the Federal Gov. cut the $300 million a year in tax money that it gives Planned Parenthood.The Advocate is an independent student magazine at UCLA. Go to for the full story.

UCLA Campus BuzzFox News  2008-04-03

"Planned Parenthood Exposed by UCLA Reporter" - Lila Rose and James O'Keefe - UCLA Campus Buzz

Youtube description: "A UCLA Student Reporter went undercover at the Los Angeles Planned Parenthood to expose illegal practices"

UCLA Campus Buzz  2007-05-11

"Caught on Tape: Planned Parenthood Aids Pimp’s Underage Sex Ring" - Lila Rose & David Schmidt - Live Action

Press Release: A Planned Parenthood manager in New Jersey coaches a man and a woman posing as sex traffickers how to secure secret abortions, STD testing, and contraception for their female underage sex slaves, and make their whole operation “look as legit as possible” in an undercover video released this morning.Clinic manager Amy Woodruff, LPN, of Planned Parenthood Central New Jersey’s Perth Amboy center, warns the pimp and his prostitute to have their trafficked underage girls lie about their age to avoid mandatory reporting laws, promising, “even if they lie, just say, ‘Oh he’s the same age as me, 15,’…it’s just that mainly 14 and under we have to, doesn’t matter if their partner’s the same age, younger, whatever, 14 and under we have to report.” She says, “For the most part, we want as little information as possible.”

Liveaction  2011-02-01