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"All Jolted Alike: The Injured, Ill, and Dying Must All Ride in the Patrol Wagon" - Eleanor Stackhouse - The Chicago Tribune

"I have had a free ride in the patrol-wagon. This statement will probably convey the impression that I have been doing something to be "taken up" after the fashion of teh usual occupants of the city's free conveyances. In reality I have done nothing worse than to fall suddenly ill on the street, a crime that 2,000 or 3,000 innocent people commit every year in the City of Chicago. If there had been a city ambulance I should have been entitled to ride in that. It happened in this way:"

The Chicago Tribune  1889-12-13

"The Steerage" - Eliza Putnam Heaton - The Times Union

"The words look up at me from a crumpled ticket which lies on my desk. On the reverse side I read in English, German, Swedish, French and Italian: "Keep this card to avoid detention at quarantine and on railroads in the United States." This small document was my passport from under the folds of the Union Jack tot he shelter of the Stars and Stripes. I have emigrated. Unlike most emigrants, I went from New York to Liverpool for the expressed purpose of emigrating. The desire was on me to cast in my lot with a shipload of human freight: to experience in my own person, the adventures, sad or merry, to test the treatment, good or bad, accorded those who leave home and country to lie down in the steerage, awake in Castle Garden and be whirled westward across the plains.

The Times Union  1888-10-20

New York - "What Happens When a Girl Goes Job Hunting in a Strange City?: New York" - Catharine Brody - Buffalo Morning Express

"The most difficult thing about looking for a job in New York is that from the papers, there seem to be so many jobs to choose from. Where I had been used to half a column of ads yielding perhaps one or two possibilities, I found myself confronted by whole pages. By the time I got through reading, I was in such a daze of indecision that job hunting invariably was put off till another day."

The Buffalo Sunday Express  1924-04-06

Baltimore - "What Happens When A Girl Goes Job Hunting in a Strange City?: Baltimore" - Catharine Brody - Buffalo Morning Express

"I had crossed Mason and Dixon's line. Heads of bobbed hair were few and a policeman studied me intently when I ignored his suggestion to wait ten minutes for a street car to take me to an address eight blocks away. But let no one think I underrate the Baltimore police force, for I was a night worker in Baltimore and the two people I looked forward most to meeting as I walked down the long and deserted stretch of Charles street each night were policemen. "

New Orleans - "What Happens When A Girl Goes Job Hunting in a Strange City?: New Orleans" - Catharine Brody - Buffalo Morning Express

"'Shuffle ALong' made its debut in New Orleans on a Sunday night and I made my debut as an usher. It wasn't as easy as it had sounded. We came early--at 7 o'clock-- and studied the house, which was as quaint as New Orleans. Sometimes the rows were lettered and sometimes they weren't. As for teh numbers, they were on the back of the seats, so that in order not to disturb every one in the row behind you had to count from the aisle every time--unless you knew the house."

Buffalo Sunday Express  1924-03-23

Los Angeles (concluded) - "What Happens When A Girl Goes Job Hunting in a Strange City?: Los Angeles (concluded)" - Catharine Brody - Buffalo Morning Express

"There was a long interval between the appearance of the extras on the lot at Culver city that day and I went into the highways and byways routing out girls who could tell me about an extra's life. Curled up on a bench beside the high wooden platform built for the director to shoot a scene from later on was a girl with long hair and a small wast. She sat up and showed enormous Spanish eyes and the long hair parted in the middle and arranged loosely at the sides. She was seventeen and had studied to be a pianist. Later she did play vivacious Spanish music with the Mexican musicians. She had stumbled into the movies two weeks previously by sheer luck and had no particular interest in them."

The Buffalo Sunday Express  1924-03-16

Los Angeles - "What Happens When A Girl Goes Job Hunting in a Strange City?: Los Angeles" - Catharine Brody - Buffalo Morning Express

"Contrary to popular idea, not all girls come to Los Angeles to go into the movies. I found several hundred in the Salvation Army home, the Evangeline, who had come to go into stenography or manicuring or millinery trimming. Some even come, like my roommate, to go to jail."

The Buffalo Sunday Express  1924-03-09

San Francisco - "What Happens When A Girl Goes Job Hunting in a Strange City?: San Francisco" - Catharine Brody - Buffalo Morning Express

"What is the chief industry of California in winter--fruit picking? Wrong. Canning? The canning season doesn't begin until April. The movies? Nay. It's boosting! Rah! Rah! at 49 cents a boost, this is as good a way as any for the poor working girl to pass part of those six months from November to April which no good coast-booster ever mentions."

The Buffalo Sunday Express  1924-03-02

"Charles Denies Intention to Seize Throne By Force" - Dorothy Thompson - International News Service

'I had tea at Esterhazy castle yesterday afternoon with former Emperor Charles and former Empress Zita and heard from the lips of the king and the members of his entourage the full story of his unsuccessful attempt to regain the iron crown of St. Stefan and the collapse of the last hope of the Hapsburgs. I also transmitted a reassuring message from the royal couple to their children in Switzerland telling them they will not have to worry. "Maybe the public opinion of the world believes I am responsible for this war. But I would not spill a drop of Hungarian blood for a thousand thrones, said Charles.

The Washington Post  1921-11-01

Salt Lake City - "What Happens To A Girl Seeking Employment In A Strange City: Salt Lake City" - Catharine Brody - Buffalo Morning Express

"Once upon a time, I, in common with a good many other people used to say when I read these stories of starving girls "But why can't they go into domestic service?" I used to say it triumphantly, even querulously, why not? Look at the seductive advertisements with offers of 'good homes.' Good homes. Good home-cooked food. Wages clear at the end of the month. No slack times, no holiday cutting into the pay envelopes. Very little danger o f'firing.' and such a swell chance of marrying the iceman of the grocery man, even the policeman on the beat and, as plaintive housewives have wept, 'when she got married, she got married from their house, and they gave her her outfit. She was a good worker. They don't make such no adays."

The Buffalo Sunday Express  1924-02-17

Portland - "What Happens To A Girl Seeking Employment In A Strange City: Portland" - Catharine Brody - Buffalo Morning Express

"'A tree for you Portland grows,' Personally, I wish it had been a job. I left Portland after six days of extensive job hunting in an intensive rain which left me looking and feeling like Noah's ark.

The Buffalo Sunday Express  1924-02-24

Denver - "What Happens To A Girl Seeking Employment In A Strange City?: Denver" - Catharine Brody - Buffalo Morning Express

"Go West, young woman-- if you must-- but stay away from Denver! If you scorn this earnest advice I warn you that pork trimming will get you if you don't watch out. They call it pork trimming at Armour's. As a matter of fact, you trim many things, fat and pork and kidney skins, meat, and ham and your fingers. One girl even stuck a knife into her stomach by accident--it's very simple. One thing and one thing only, you get no chance to trim--Armour's.

The Buffalo Sunday Express  1924-02-10

Troy - "What Happens To A Girl Seeking Employment In A Strange City: Troy" - Catharine Brody - Buffalo Morning Express

"Troy is the home of the biggest collar factory in the world. That seems to be Troy's one reason and excuse for being. It's history is immeidately apparent. Once, long agi, the biggest collar factory in the world made its home in a small village called Troy; other collar and shirt factoires colelcted, tinier surrounding villages contributed labor, and thus Troy did not so much grow as was pulled into its present timid, half-awake existence as a city of 70,000 people, a city where even the drug stores close on Sunday."

The Buffalo Sunday Express  1923-12-30

Kansas City - "What Happens When a Girl Goes Job Hunting in a Strange City?: Kansas City" - Catharine Brody - Buffalo Morning Express

"All rings are not telephone rings." -- from the Pilot Light, published by the Kansas City Association of Telephone Employees. There, gentle subscriber, you have is the pilot girl's motto, what, is wrong with the telephone service. That is, why the telephone companies keep alluring advertisements always to type and employment managers always busy. That is really why you get wrong numbers and disconnects and why you have to fuss and fume at operators who seem to be attending their grandmothers' funerals at the other end. All rings particularly to a telephone girl, are not telephone rings. Statistics show, I have been told, that more telephone girls get married every year than any other class of working girls.

The Buffalo Sunday Express  1924-02-03

Saint Louis - "What Happens When a Girl Goes Job Hunting in a Strange City?: Saint Louis" - Catharine Brody - Buffalo Morning Express

"After the factory distances of Detroit and chicago, I sure did love Saint Louis. "I'll say" -- as they say. The factoires, hats and shoes and pants and princess slips stand all in a row. They make the best apple pie--apple pie is filling for the working girl's breakfast, lunch and dinner, and cheap at only five cents the generous slice. And about 25 minutes after I got to Saint Louis I found myself placidly cementing strips of duck on the quarters of men's shoes in one of the seven factories of the International Shoe Company."

The Buffalo Sunday Express  1924-01-27

Chicago - "What Happens When a Girl Goes Job Hunting in a Strange City?: Chicago" - Catharine Brody - Buffalo Morning Express

"It was going to be a sob story. It was going to be a sob story the moment I stepped into the rancid entrance to the Auditorium just three days before Christmas."

Vancouver Sunday Sun  1924-01-20

Detroit - "What Happens When a Girl Goes Job Hunting in a Strange City?: Detroit" - Catharine Brody - Buffalo Morning Express

"That the manufacture of spring cushions for automobile seats--soft, comfortable automobile seats which hold silk and satiny ladies on the way downtown to do their shopping--should be made an affair of such primitive violence amid such raucous shrieks of men and girls and machinery, such clash and clamor and clang of steel! Never, nevermore, will I feel the same about a seat in even the cheapest kind of a green flag taxi."

Buffalo Morning Express  1924-01-13

Pittsburgh - "What Happens When a Girl Goes Job Hunting in a Strange City?: Pittsburgh" - Catharine Brody - Buffalo Morning Express

"The first day I became a bean packer in the Heinz works, spent a maddening nine hours with Emma and the twins, 'Dawrathe-e-e" and Katherine, simply pasting stickers on boxes to contain tomato soup. We worked under Katie, the forelady, in a huge room filled with piles of boxes that reached nearly to the low ceiling and stacks of cans that reached half-way up. We sat on a truck and became covered and choked by the dust from the boxes. I did not mind that so much as the monotony of the work. But it suited the girls exactly."

Buffalo Morning Express  1924-01-06

"U.S. Hard Times El Dorado For Immigrants" - Genevieve Forbes Herrick - Chicago Daily Tribune

"'And the longer you stay away from Ireland the better Irishman you are,' is the somewhat ambiguous motto of the wizened old man who sits next me in the third class railway carriage on the way to Wexford, county Wexford, Ireland. He follows up this Irish bon mot with the explanation that he is returning to his home after an absence of thirty-five years in the coal mines of Wales, that Ireland is a 'grand country,' and -- but, of course, the conversation turns to politics."

Chicago Daily Tribune  1921-10-14

"Insults Heaped On Immigrants At Quarantine"- Genevieve Forbes Herrick - Chicago Daily Tribune

"Crowded quarters have the advantage, if such it be, of sociability. By the third day of our trip we have learned a few statistics; eighty-eight children, a bride and groom, two patriarchs from Russia (if length of beard be any criterion), a London actor, a theological student from South Africa--we are as diversified as a ringside audience."

Chicago Daily Tribune  1921-10-20

"Erin Is A Land Of Manana For Emigrants" - Genevieve Forbes Herrick - Chicago Daily Tribune

"If 'twere done, 'twere well it were done quickly," is an axiom that cannot be applied in Ireland. So, between my determination to leave Wexford for america and my actual departure there is a long interval, made doubly long by doubts, disturbing stories of difficulties likely to befall me, and fear of the demands made by 'red tape.'"

Chicago Daily Tribune  1921-10-15

''Helpless' Find Ellis Island is 'Hard Boiled'' - Genevieve Forbes Herrick - Chicago Daily Tribune

"After my 'forcible release' from Ellis island, I return the next day as an American citizen to see if I can gain protection from the American eagle. I learn that inasmuch as most of the people calling at the island to claim relatives or friends are without influence, money or position, the major 'minor' officials treat them as much as they treat the immigrants. We go first to the information desk, make inquiry, and receive a pass. We are then shoved into a large 'bull pen' enclosed with a high wire fence and guarded by impudent youths, who order us about, ignore our questions, and refuse us any accurate information."

Chicago Daily Tribune  1921-10-26

'Ellis Island Wrong Place To Show Kindness' - Genevieve Forbes Herrick - Chicago Daily Tribune

"'And What's more, we don't need you to butt into our affairs,' is the way the chief inspector shows his approval of my humble and in the beginning, quite unargumentative efforts to help the five girls who have ben forbidden to telephone or telegraph relatives waiting for them while they are held at Ellis Island. The authorities will not release them until their relatives come to claim them; their relatives won't come until the girls notify them; the officials forbid the immigrants to communicate with the outside world. It seems an endless circle. I intimate as much to the inspector."

Chicago Daily Tribune  1921-10-25

'Rude Answers, If Any, The Rule At Ellis Island' - Genevieve Forbes Herrick - Chicago Daily Tribune

"As we climb the stairs we catch glimpses of cages and bars. Self-important officials, holding their jobs because there is an Ellis island, yell and scream at us because we are at Ellis island. The noise is deafening; the procession incessant. At last we aer shoved into a large room with rows of benches, each marked with a different number and accommodating about 100. At the end of each bench is a raised platform and a desk before which an inspector is supposed to sit."

Chicago Daily Tribune  1921-10-24

'Women Herded As Are Cattle At Ellis Island' - Genevieve Forbes Herrick - Chicago Daily Tribune

"'All women and children ashore.' Down the narrow stairs we stumble, an emotionless, hesitant, frightened mass. And always the raucous voices of our two guards, hurling brusque ruthless, often profane commands at us. Even the women who have been most self-possessed are shaking. 'if my husband were here,' whispers one of the women, ' he'd punch that man, even if he had to go to jail for it.'"

Chicago Daily Tribune  1921-10-23

"Guards Gloat Over Miseries of Immigrants" - Genevieve Forbes Herrick - Chicago Daily Tribune

"'Damn you, you're in America now, get in line, d'ye hear? You're in America,' screams the illiterate, uncouth foreigner in charge fo the tender for Ellis Island, as he shoves us, a confused and stumbling mass of men, women and children, on to the upper platform of the ferry. About a third of our number get seats, the rest of us stand; crowded together in the narrow and dirty passage between the staircase and the benches. The floor is filthy."

Chicago Daily Tribune  1921-10-22

"Small Joy For Immigrants at Liberty's Gate" - Genevieve Forbes Herrick - Chicago Daily Tribune

'of course they've got to have rules, but why can't they treat us as if we were decent when they enforce them?' asks a little English girl, between sobs, as she puts on her clothes after inspection at quarantine early Monday morning. Compelled from infancy to obey laws and to observe rules, we even some of the most rebellious or stupid of us, have left our native countries believing in the necessity of strictly enforced regulations. But when we see, at the threshold of our new home, petty officials using a bit of gold braid, a uniform, or a subordinate title as a means of insulting women, shaming girls, frightening children, and infuriating men, we cease to reason and begin to argue emotionally, often hysterically.

Chicago Daily Tribune  1921-10-21

"Few Comforts For Emigrants On Steamship" - Genevieve Forbes Herrick - Chicago Daily Tribune

We hate them as we love them, our fellow passengers in the steerage, which is the first indication that 'they' over whom first cabin travelers sentimentalize, has become the 'we' of our own circle. I, with five other girls from Queenstown, spend a sleeplessly sleepy night in a stuffy cabin with almost no ventilation. Up at 6:30, we hurry to breakfast, for we are at the first sitting. This is due, in part, to the difference in food for the Jewish groups, who compromise much of the continental delegation, in part to the protest made by the English speaking passengers for preference.

Chicago Daily Tribune  1921-10-19

"On Board Ship, At Last, On Way to Ellis Island" - Genevieve Forbes Herrick - The Chicago Daily Tribune

Lack of education, what excuses are made in thy academic name. The rejected immigrant, loath to admit disqualification on the score fo morals, cleanliness, or health, prefers to blame all his troubles on inability to read and write. As a result, when we go to the inspector's office at Queenstown, we find an inconsistently large group of 'literate illiterates.' We all know the subterfuge, but we play the game, not so much through loyalty as through fear lest it may also be our game.

Chicago Daily Tribune  1921-10-18

"Biggest Hurdle For Emigrants Is Series of ?'s" - Genevieve Forbes Herrick - Chicago Daily Tribune

A rolling stone may gather almost no moss; but it certainly accumulates the maximum amount of official papers and documents, all marked "important." By the time I reach the office of the American consulate at Dublin, anticipation had ceased to hold any charm. Each new office entered means a new stipulation hurled at me, until the whole world, officially, seems to be saying, 'I dare you to get out of this country.'"

Chicago Daily Tribune  1921-10-17

"Old and Young of Ireland Seek American Haven" - Genevieve Forbes Herrick - Chicago Daily Tribune

By the time our little group reaches Dublin we have enlarged it to include several more bound for America. There is Bill, the handsome New York policeman who has been home for a visit in Limerick. And Mar McGinn, with gorgeous red hair and "a hairy" coat. Mr. McKee hastens to tell us he has. been working eight years in a Detroit automobile factory. Of course, he is authority on everything.

Chicago Daily Tribune  1921-10-16

"Tribune Woman Runs Gantlet of Ellis Island" - Genevieve Forbes Herrick - Chicago Daily Tribune

From emigrant to immigrant. The transition is more fundamental than a change in spelling. Less than three weeks ago I, a "greenhorn" Irish girl, dressed in a homemade blue suit, a bow of green ribbon in the buttonhole, a green felt hat and heavy Irish clogs, leaned out of a third class carriage at Wexford, County Wexford, Ireland, and waved good-by to the group of friends who wished me good luck in America, the promised land, whither I was going to get a "job with my girl friend."

Chicago Daily Tribune  1921-10-13

"Woman in Cabanas" - Cecil Charles - New York World

"For Twenty-four hours I have been unable to read or write or indeed od much else than sit with a compress over my eyes, which are burning, bloodshot and swollen from the irritation of sunglare and horrible sand in the court of the Cabanas prison where I have spent a Sunday. It is a short sail or row across from he Caballeria wharf to Casa Blanca and the boats are full of people laughing and chatting gayly--thanks to the sanguinen Latin temperament--and carrying such little presents as they may be permitted to offer the prisoners after a rigid scrutiny of packages and baskets."

New York World  1896-08-07

"A Journal Woman in a Spanish Dungeon in Cuba" - Kate Masterson - The New York Journal

"I looked from my window this morning before the sun had risen. Across the bay the grimly beautiful towers of the Castile Morro were outlined against the sky, a mass exquisite color, gray, white and yellow, the crimson and gold flag of Spain floating form the highest turret. Almost beneath my window a sentry slouched along. His rifle across his arm. Suddenly, with a splendor which dazzled my eyes, the sun burst into view, turning the water to gold and touching the castle walls with the glory of flame. Just then, across the water, came the sound of six rifle sos. the sounds were slightly muffled, as though coming through walls o stone, but seemed to gain clearness as they reverberated across the bay. The sentry stopped for a moment, looked over his shoulder, crossed himself, and walked on again. I stepped back from the little balcony with a chill at my heart. The glory of the dawn was gone. I seemed to see six men pallid in the morning light, led out from their cells in Morro, with chains upon their hands. I saw them placed in a line against the old gray wall and shot to death just as the day broke."

The New York Journal  1896-03-20

One Day as a New York Flower Girl - Dolores Marbourg - New York World

"Just within the shelter of the entrance ofa  Broadway haberdashery an old woman sells flowers, recounting her experiences across town and the behavior of men outside the Union Club when their peers weren't watching from the windows.  "The clubmen seemed to come and seemed to go and to keep it up forever. After a time the first one, the one who asked me to fasten his boutonniere, and was told that I had no pin, came out and walked slowly past me looking for his carriage. He did not seem to find it and approached me to make some inquiries into the flower trade, probably, but as he di so two men came to the window. Plainly this was the gentleman's unlucky night. He strolled back into the club.   "...A man came to the window. After standing there a moment, he saw me. He stood looking at me with indecision in his eye. I was not seeing him. I was minding my own affairs attentively. Soon he left the window. Later he came down the club steps and walked up to me. I asked:   "'Flowers?'   "Yes." I handed him a boutinniere.   "'Twenty-five cents.'   "'You have stood here a long time. Are you tired?'   "'A little.'   "'Suppose I buy the rest of your flowers.' I looked grateful. The offer seemed kindly.   "'That would be charity, sir, for you do not need them.'   "'You could make it right.'   "I' appreciated the offer better I felt more curious. I looked him in the face and said:   "'I should not know how, sir.'   "He was not sure whether he needed to explain or not. He decided that he did. He looked the flowers over, seeming to be occupied with them if anyone should come to the window above.   "'Let me buy your flowers and take you to your home. This is not the place for a woman like you to stand. here I'll call a cab. You walk down two blocks and wait there.'   "I cannot. I must sell the flowers by waiting for customers. This is very good of you, sir, but it would be accepting charity.'   "Good God—don't you know'—   "'That it would be a good thing for—for charity's sake, yes, sir, but—'   "No—no—no. You don't catch my meaning. I'll explain later. You walk down two blocks.' ...    

The New York World  1893-10-01

"Undercover Times probe reveals Lloyds PPI complaints failures" - Daniel Grote - New Model Adviser

". . .An undercover Times reporter went through the recruitment and training process to work as a complaints handler at Royal Mint Court in London.He was told that some bank salesman had faked PPI information in agreements on loan sales, and that complaint handlers should effectively turn a blind eye to the risk of fraud. . ."

New Model Adviser  2013-06-11

"Undercover Explorations of the 'Other Half,' or the Writer as Class Transvestite" - Eric Schocket - Representations

". . .I have termed such tales of temporary guise, "class-transvestite narratives," a phrase that best describes their attempts to close epistemological gaps through cross-class impersonation. Although Crane's experiment in class transvestism is the best known of this type, its methodology and goals were hardly unique. Between the depression of the early 1890s and the progressive reforms of the 1910s, a number of white middle-class writers, journalists, and social researchers "dressed down" in order to traverse with their bodies what they saw as a growing gulf between the middle class and the white working and lower classes. Like Crane, these disguised investigators recognized the inherent difficulty of social knowledge in an economi-cally segmented society: Perceptions based on a sympathetic middle-class point of view were for them as inaccurate as those informed by the sensationalized reports in the daily press. Recognizing the impossibility of both an Archimedean point outside a classed subjectivity and what WilliamJames called the particular "blind- ness" of "looking at life with the eyes of a remote spectator," these explorers attempted to move "inside" and collapse the distance between subject and object into one performative, narrational "body." . . ."

Representations  1998-10-01

"Staged on ABC" - Michelle Malkin - National Review Online

". . .On Monday, the local Fox affiliate in Birmingham, Ala., blew the whistle on an ABC News sting operation intended to elicit bigoted responses from local residents. The national ABC News program Primetime Live hired actors to pose as same-sex couples and engage in public displays of affection on a park bench. Birmingham police department sources told the Fox affiliate about the social experiment; a local merchant spotted an RV where the ABC crew was stationed. The merchant was told “ABC was working on a week-long project to see how people would react . . . A FOX6 news reporter approached the RV and talked with an ‘actor’ who said, ‘Yes, we are working for ABC News’" . . ."

"Misinformation Intern: My Summer as a Military Propagandist in Iraq" - Willem Marx - Harper's Magazine

". . .The Iraqis working for us posed as freelance journalists, but they also paid editors at the papers to publish the stories—part of the cost Lincoln Group billed back to the military. 'Look,' Jon assured me, 'it’s very straightforward. You just have to keep the military happy' . . ."

Harper's  2006-09-01

VI-"Day at Larned Just One Big Trip" - Betty Wells - Wichita Eagle and Wichta Beacon

"Want a real tri? Like drugs? Visit Larned State Hospital. Become a patient and you'll be administered enough anti-depressants to calm the greatest fear you ever thought you had. . ."

Wichita Eagle and Wichita Beacon  1974-02-02

III-"Patient Welcomed by Assault, Sexual Attack" - Betty Wells - Wichita Eagle and Wichita Beacon

"But it had been my first exposure to other women patients earlier in the day which set the stage for future occurrences, many of which were highlighted not for their starkness, but by boredom. . ."

Wichita Eagle and Wichita Beacon  1974-01-30

III-"Working in the Wet" - Eva Gay - St. Paul Globe

". . . last week I visited one of the largest branches of industry in the city -- the laundries. Their number is legion, grading up from the shanty owned and run by a single 'heathen Chinee' to the large brick blocks equipped with improved machinery and employing many operatives."During my travels, I have explored nearly every establishment in the city, and find a certain class of evils exist even among the best . . . "

St. Paul Globe  1888-04-15

"Even Hogs Fare Better" - Unsigned - New York World

". . .As the immigrants crowded into the two cars guarded by the gentlemen of the brogue and him of the club. they were followed by a railroad hand with a lantern, who kept yelling 'Two in a seat! Two in a seat!' and seeing that The World reporter did not sit down quite as quickly as he would have liked to have him, he grabbed him by the shoulder and yelled in his ear: 'Why in h--- don't you sit down there where i put you. . .?'"

New York World  1888-03-04

II-"Song of the Shirt" - Eva Gay (aka Eva McDonald aka Eva Valesh) - St. Paul Globe

"It seems that a large proportion of working girls earn their living by sewing at various kinds of work. For, in addition to those classes already reported, a trip through four large shirt factories of Minneapolis reveals many more toiling at the same sort of work. As far as comfort or cleanliness were concerned, it seems to be 'six of one and half a dozen of the other;' two factories were clean and bright, and the other two dirty, damp and unhealthy. . ."

St. Paul Globe  1888-04-08

V- "Writer Forced to Charity; Meets Bar as Transient" - Adela Rogers St. Johns - Los Angeles Examiner

". . .I cannot describe to you the feeling of humiliation, of actual guilt that welled up inside me as I walked through the gate of charity into that land where a woman abandons her pride, her inalienable rights and much of life's sweetness. And where of all places, she should be treated with the kindliness that her bruised spirit demands. . ."

Los Angeles Examiner  1931-12-24

II-"'Penniless Woman' Fed by Stranger, Sleeps in Auto" - Adela Rogers St. Johns - Los Angeles Examiner

". . .Upon my first night as a member of the army of unemployed women, I found myself broke, without baggage and wihout a room. A poor, shabby creature, moving alone among crowds, in a sort of bright, pitiless glare that is worse than any darkness. In every woman, young and old, pretty or ugly, is bred and trained a deep fear of the streets at night. Fear of insult and attack. . ."

Los Angeles Examiner  1931-12-21

II-"The Riot - William Recktenwald - Evening Independent

". . .I was walking the same floors that three other guards had walked before they were stabbed and beaten to death less than three months earlier.This was the Pontiac prison's North Cell House, and all around were eerie reminders of the July 22nd riot.  Only recently had plastic been put up to cover the broken windows. The four-tier cell house was lit by only a handful of bulbs; there should have been 10 times as many, but no one had replaced the smashed lights or repaired the wiring. . ."

The Evening IndependentThe Chicago Tribune  1978-11-15

III-"Filth and Waste" - William Recktenwald - Evening independent

". . .Food was piled everywhere. That made life easy for the mice and roaches I'd seen around.  The odor of rotted food filled the air. Dirty utensils were scattered about. The floor look and felt as though it had been waxed with slime.In my week as a guard at the Pontiac prison, I had become used to scenes like this one on the cellhouse tiers. The inmates had been looked in their 9-foot by 5-foot cells for almost three months, ever since the July 22 riot in which three guards were killed.  Frustrated by the "deadlock," the inmates had retaliated by hurling food and excrement from their cells, fouling their own environment. . ."

The Evening IndependentThe Chicago Tribune  1978-11-16

I-"Prison Guard" - William Recktenwald - Evening Independent

". . .The cellblock was filled with trash, excrement and spoiled food, all of it soaked with water that collected in puddles.  The air reeked of tear gas. Mace and smoke. A pile of bedding was on fire, and all the windows were closed. Men in the cells began screaming and clanging on the bars.This may sound like a description of the Pontiac state prison at the height of the riot there last July, when three guards were killed and three others seriously injured. And so it might have been in July. But this was Pontiac on October 11, almost three months after the riot; it was the scene as I entered the segregation cellblock to begin my first day as a prison guard. . ."

The Evening IndependentThe Chicago Tribune  1978-11-14

"The Nellie Brown Mystery" - Unsigned - New York World

"A modest, comely well-dressed girl of nineteen who gave her name as Nellie Brown, was committed by Justice Duffy at Essex Market yesterday for examination as to her sanity. The circumstances surrounding her were such as to indicate that possibly she might be the heroine of an interesting story . . . ."

New York World  1887-10-09

"Despair for the Mentally Ill" - Lois Timnick - Los Angeles Times

"It is 3:30 a.m. on the darkened, locked wards of Metropolitan State Hospital, the hour that belongs to demons, nightmares, cold sweats and fears. A mockingbird is singing monotonously in a scrawny bush outside Ward 406. And inside, 20-year-old Dudley Stewart is screaming, "I don't want no shots, no drugs . . .."

Los Angeles Times  1979-08-12

Reaction: "Nelly Marina or Brown" - Unsigned - New York Sun

"Nelly Marina, who also calls herself Nelly Brown, the pretty crazy girl who was sent from Bellevue to Blackwell's Island a week ago yesterday, and about whom there is believed to be a romance, has not yet been claimed. Her case is diagnosed as melancholia, and Dr. Ingram considers it a very hopeful case."

New York Sun  1887-10-05

Reaction: "Nellie Brown—Memory Still Gone" - Unsigned - New York Sun

"The doctors are not certain that she is insane. She says continually that men are going to kill her, and that she would kill herself if she only knew the making of the poison she wants to take."

New York Sun  1887-09-26

Behind Asylum Bars Reaction: "Nellie Bly Led the Way" - Unsigned - New York World

"... From their investigation, the body came to the conclusion that the appropriation made to the Department of Charities and Correction for the present year is insufficient to permit the payment of salaries necessary to secure the services of trained nurses and comptent junior physicians and that these branches of the service are consequentially not as efficient as they should be; that the present medical staff is inadequate to meet the requirements of over 1,600 insane patients confined to the institution, and that the nurses examined are not qualified for the proper discharge of the important duties intrusted to them . . . "

New York World  1887-11-03

IV-Reaction: Behind Asylum Bars: "Some of the Doctors Deny It" - Unsigned - New York World

"It was only a half-hearted and apologetic denial that THE WORLD could get from the asylum authorities regarding Nellie Bly's terrible accusations, a large amount of "referring" to someone else, a refusal to ring forth the accused person, and a female cry of "It can't be so." The reporter was not permitted to see the female attendants whom Nellie charges with atrocious cruelty towards feeble women and the possible truth of this charge was admitted after a left-handed fashion. The charge that patients were plunged into a cold bath was denied, and concerning the bathing of many women ina single water, Supt. Dent could only say, "A nurse who did this would be discharged. . . . "

New York World  1887-10-17

III-Followup: "UnTruths in Every Line" - Nellie Bly - New York World

"On my first arrival in New York the editor of the Sun said to me in an interview, "There is nothing so valuable as a reporter who gives facts; who, when told that two and two make four, puts it four instead of three or five." I have always been particular in stating only facts in all my work, but never did I confine myself so closely to this rule as in my story of "Behind Asylum Bars." As the Sun undertook to prove that I really passed ten days as an insane girl on Blackwell's Island, I would like to correct the many mistakes and misstatements which I found throughout the six columns recently published about me in that journal . . . "

The New York World  1887-10-17

"7 1/2 Days" - Kevin Heldman - City Limits

"Around 3 a.m., hair uncombed, face unshaven, wearing a few layers of shabby jackets and shirts, I get off the subway outside Woodhull Medical and Mental Health Center in Brooklyn. I walk into the lobby and tell the hospital police that I'm looking for psychiatric help. An officer is amused, thinking I was brought to the hospital by the NYPD. 'They just dropped you off, huh?' she says. She escorts me to the emergency room. . . ."

City Limits  1998-06-01

VIII-"The Evil of the Age" - Augustus St. Clair - New York Times

"JACOB ROSENZWEIG, the abortionist doctor, charged with the homicide of the unfortunate MISS BOWLSBY, of Paterson, N.J., was yesterday brought before Judge CARDOZO, of the Supreme Court, on a motion to admit him to bail. . . . "

The New York Times  1871-09-08

VI-"The Evil of the Age" - Augustus St. Clair - New York Times

"... She was a young girl whose life had apparently never been darkened, and upon whom the breath of suspicion had never fallen. Moving in respectable society, and having relatives in the highest circles, she was everywhere received as an ornament and a delight. . . ."

The New York Times  1871-09-01

IV-"The Evil of the Age" - Augustus St. Clair - New York Times

The New York Times  1871-08-29

I-"The Evil of the Age" - Augustus St. Clair - New York Times

"The enormous amount of medical malpractice that exists and flourishes, almost unchecked in the City of New York, is a theme for most serious consideration. Thousands of human beings are thus murdered before they have seen the light of this world, and thousands upon thousands more of adults are irremediably ruined in constitution, health and happiness. So secretly are these crimes committed and so crafily do the perpetrators inveigh their victims, that it is next to impossible to obtain evidence and witnesses. Facts are so artfully concealed from the public mind, and appearances so carefully guarded, that very meagre outlines of the horrible truth have thus far been disclosed. But could even a portion of the facts that have been detected in frightful profusion, by the agents of the TIMES, be revealed in print, in their hideous truth, the reader would shrink from the appalling picture. . . "

The New York Times  1871-08-23

"How Can This Happen?" - Dale Brazao, Moira Welsh - Toronto Star

"The 82-year-old man, in diapers and suffering advanced dementia, slid off his chair and crashed to the floor of the Toronto retirement home. No staffer came to help. An undercover Toronto Star reporter helped Sam up and waited. Five minutes. Ten minutes. Fifteen minutes. At twenty minutes, a tired, overworked staffer appeared. "Sam does not belong here," she said. That was our first night inside InTouch Retirement Living in Toronto's west end. Over the next week, the Star witnessed profound neglect in a place where more than half of the 18 residents should be in a nursing home receiving higher quality, regulated medical care. People left in urine- and feces-filled diapers for hours. Washrooms had no toilet paper so residents, some suffering from dementia, wiped themselves with their hands or a fliimsy communal towel ...

Toronto Star  2010-10-01

"Among the Mad" - Nellie Bly - Godey's Lady's Book

Godey's Lady's Book  1889-01-01

"Made in the U.S.A." - Helen Zia - Ms. magazine

"It's hard to imagine a parent who wants the cute outfits she buys for her child to be made by exhausted women with children of their own whom they rarely see because they're putting in 16-hour days."

Ms. Magazine  1996-01-01

"65 Cents an Hour - A Special Report" - Jane H. Lii - New York Times

"The steel doors opened into a dim, dusty warehouse. Red and blue rags covered the four windows, shutting out all natural light. Bundles of cut cloth sat piled in haphazard mounds, some stacked taller than a worker. Under fluorescent lights swinging from chains, rows of middle-aged Chinese women hunched over sewing machines, squinting and silent. . . . "

The New York Times  1995-03-12

"Jesus Made Me Puke and Other Tales From the Evangelical Front Lines" - Matt Taibbi - Rolling Stone

Rolling Stone  2008-05-01

"Nickel-and-Dimed: On (Not) Getting By in America" - Barbara Ehrenreich - Harper's

"At the beginning of June 1998 I leave behind everything that normally soothes the ego and sustains the body -- home, career, compansion, reputation, ATM card -- for a plunge into the low-wage workforce. There, I become another, occupationally much diminished 'Barbara Ehrenreich' -- depicted on job-application forms as a divorced homemaker whose sole work experience consists of housekeeping in a few private homes. I am terrified at the beginning, of being unmasked for what I am: a middle-class journalist setting out to explore the world that welfare mothers are entering, at the rate of approximately 50,000 a month, as welfare reform kicks in. . . . "

Harper's  1999-01-01

XI-"Behind Prison Bars: Tough Vigil: I Was a Guard at San Quentin" - Charles Howe - San Francisco Chronicle

San Francisco Chronicle  1971-03-08

IXA-"Behind Prison Bars: Women's 'Campus' - Charles Howe -San Francisco Chronicle

"They call it 'The Campus' and at first glance California's only prison for women does look like a teacher's college in some suburb. But the 655 women doing time at the California Institution for Women near Chino, it is a place of confinement. . ."

San Francisco Chronicle  1971-03-04

IA-"Behind Prison Bars: California Penal System - World's 3rd Biggest" - Charles Howe - San Francisco Chronicle

"California has 13 penal facilities that house rhw majority of the 24,000 men and women convicted of major crimes. Aside from China and the Soviet Union, California operates the largest prison system in the world. . ."

San Francisco Chronicle  1971-02-22

I-"The Toiling Women" - Eva Gay (aka Eva McDonald aka Eva Valesh) - St. Paul Globe

"On first entering, the air seemed so thick with dust and lint from the bags that I could scarcely see. . . ."

St. Paul Globe  1888-04-01

"Factory Girls in the Big City" - Lucy Hosmer - St. Louis Post-Dispatch

St. Louis Post-Dispatch  1896-11-26

II-"Dirty Work" - George Getschow - Wall Street Journal

"Morgan City, La. - In the early 1800s, when labor shortages threatened to stop the expansion of sugar-cane cultivation in this swampy part of southern Louisiana, some European settlers seized the opportunity to strike it rich by selling slaves to the landowners. Soon the slave trade flourished throughout St. Mary's Parish. Traders became wealthy plantation owners, and their descendants are still among the socially prominent here. . . . "

Wall Street Journal  1983-06-23

I-"Dirty Work" - George Getschow - Wall Street Journal

"Houston -- It's 5 a.m., and the 120 tenants of Krash Cabin, a filthy flophouse run by one of the many day-labor outfits on the fringes of downtown, are getting their instructions from the burly bunkhouse manager: 'Get your asses out of bed before I throw you out,' he shouts. "One man, exhausted after digging ditches for 10 hours in 85-degree heat the day before, begs to be allowed to recuperate in his bunk. 'I'm too sick to work today,' he tells Bob McClarity, the tattoed bunkhouse boss. 'I don't give a damn,' barks the boss, hauling him out of his bunk. 'This ain't a charity hospital.'"

Wall Street Journal  1983-06-22

"An Experiment in Misery" - Stephen Crane - New York Press

New York Press  1894-04-22

"I Investigate Lynchings" - Walter F. White - American Mercury

"Nothing contributes so much to the continued life of an investigator of lynchings and his tranquil possession of all his limbs as the obtuseness of the lynchers themselves."

American Mercury  1929-01-01

"Skin Deep; Reliving 'Black Like Me': My Own Journey into the Heart of Race-Conscious America" - Joshua Solomon - Washington Post

"In February I left my parents' house to move in with my brother in Baltimore, not wanting to have to explain my change of complexion to the neighbors. I began taking six Psorien pills a day. After four sessions at a tanning salon, my face was badly swollen and my body ached. A week or so later, my brother, Jon, and I drove home to Silver Spring for dinner. The change in my skin color must have been dramatic. My 9-year-old sister screwed her face into a horrible grimaced the first time she saw me. 'You're ugly!' she cried. I wanted o smack her but realized she was not really talking about me. . . . "

The Washington Post  1994-10-30

"Nellie Bly Buys a Baby" - Nellie Bly - New York World

"I bought a baby last week, to learn how baby slaves are bought and sold in the city of New York. Think of it! An immortal soul bartered for $10! Fathers-mothers-ministers-missionaries, I bought an immortal soul last week for $10! . . . "

New York World  1889-10-06

"Learning Ballet Dancing" - Nellie Bly - New York World

"I have been learning to be a ballet dancer. I have always had an almost manlike love for the ballet, and when I go to spectacular plays and to the opera I try to get close to the bald-headed row. Breathless with admiration I have watched the ballet twirl on its toes and spring into pitcuresque attitudes, the very poetry of motion."

New York World  1887-12-18

"Nellie Bly a Prisoner" - Nellie Bly - New York World

"The reasons for the undertaking which I describe below were: First, The World wanted to know how women - particularly innocent women - who fall into the hands of the police are treated by them, and second, what necessity, if any, there is for providing station-houses with matrons. . ."

New York World  1889-02-24

"Nellie Bly on the Stage" - Nellie Bly - New York World

"I made my début as a chorus girl or stage Amazon last week. It was my first appearance on any stage and came about through reading among THE WORLD advertisements one that called for 100 girls for a spectacular pantomine, so I found myself one afternoon at the stage door of the Academy of Music."

The New York World  1888-03-04

"The Girls Who Make Boxes" - Nellie Bly - New York World

"Very early the other morning, I started out, not with the pleasure-seekers, but with those who toil the day long that they may live. . . . "

New York World  1887-11-27

"Trying to Be a Servant" - Nellie Bly - New York World

New York World  1887-10-30

"Nellie Bly as a Mesmerist" - Nellie Bly - New York World

"Under the name of "Mesmer" the advertiser offered to reach the art of mesmerism, with satisfactory tests at the completion of the lessons. In a day or two, I had exchanged letters witg "Mesmer: and had received his price for lessions and minute directions how to reach his place of residence."

New York World  1888-03-25

"Wanted - A Few Husbands" - Nellie Bly - New York World

"The New York woman can hardly have a single desire that cannot be gratified through some bureau or agency of this town. Through them she can get a house, have it furnished, secure new wardrobe, a good form, a clear complexion, the latest shade of hair and a loan to start the wheels of the concern in good running order. If she desires a husband, and a family warranted to have a marked resemblance, they can be had through the same channels at a nominal price."

New York World  1887-12-04

"What Becomes of Babies?" - Nellie Bly - New York World

"What name awakens such universally tender feelings as that of "baby"? Last week some philanthropist wrote to THE WORLD to suggest that I try to find out what becomes of all the baby waifs in this great city. Not the little ones who are cordially welcomed by proud parents, happy grandparents and a large circle of loving relatives, but the many hundreds of babies whose coming is greeted with grief anf whose unhappy mothers hide their little lives in shame."

New York World  1887-11-06

II - "Inside the Madhouse" - Nellie Bly - New York World

"As the wagon was rapidly driven through the beautiful lawns up to the asylum my feelings of satisfaction at having attained the object of my work were greatly dampened by the look of distress on the faces of my companions."

New York World  1887-10-16

I - "Behind Asylum Bars" - Nellie Bly - New York World

"On the 22nd of September I was asked by THE WORLD if I could have myself committed to one of the Asylums for the Insane in New York, with a view to writing a plain and unvarnished narrative of the treatment of the patients therein and the methods of management &c. . . . "

The New York World  1887-10-09

VI - "Where Can a Girl Alone in New York Find Assistance?" - Emmeline Pendennis - New York Evening World

New York Evening World  1905-02-10

V - "Where Can a Girl Alone in New York Find Assistance?" - Emmeline Pendennis - New York Evening World

New York Evening World  1905-02-09

IV - "Where Can a Girl Alone in New York Find Assistance?" - Emmeline Pendennis - New York Evening World

III - "Where Can a Girl Alone in New York Find Assistance?" - Emmeline Pendennis - New York Evening World

New York Evening World  1905-02-07

II - "Where Can a Girl Alone in New York Find Assistance?" - Emmeline Pendennis - New York Evening World

"I told the readers of the Evening World on Saturday how I had visited the Y.W.C.A. for help and guidance and how the one remedy reiterated to me at that really worthy institution was to return home at once. . . ."

New York Evening World  1905-02-06

I - "Where Can a Girl Alone in New York Find Assistance?" - Emmeline Pendennis - New York Evening World

" . . . There are hundreds of young women who come to New York from small country towns and villages with plans for making their living if not their fortunes. They find work as teachers, clerks, stenographers, usually upon slender salaries and all is well so long as wages come in regularly. The difficulty is that most bachelor girls earn so little that they are unable to save anything for the raindy day; and if the weekly stipend is stopped what does a girl do in such a predicament?"

New York Evening World  1905-02-04

Follow-up: "'Nat Caldwell Reports: Public Shows Deep Concern for Nursing Home Patients," - Nat Caldwell - Nashville Tennessean

"The outpouring of letters responding to recent articles on Metro area nursing homes is the largest I have seen in 36 years as a reporter."Two weeks after publication of the last article, the letters still are coming in. "There were a total of 162 persons who took the trouble to write personal letters or notes commenting on the series of seven articles. One was from a soldier on duty in Vietnam and two from out-of-state readers. . . ."

The Nashville Tennessean  1968-04-12

Follow-up: "'Take Us Fishing," Doctors Can't Cure Boredom" - Nat Caldwell - Nashville Tennessean

The Nashville Tennessean  1968-04-09

VI-"Medicare, Medicaid Cited: Nursing Home Betterment Seen" - Nat Caldwell - Nashville Tennessean

"Two new federal programs - Medicare and the less well known Medicaid -- can become increasingly effectiv weapons for improving conditions described in this series of articles on nursing homes . . . "

The Nashville Tennessean  1968-04-05

V-"Nursing Home's 'Pride' Pays Off" - Nat Caldwell - Nashville Tenneessean

"It can be done."A nursing home can be operted in one of Nashville's old brick and frame homes--at a profit-- and with all the humane considerations that--as a patient--I learned could be all important. . . . "

The Nashville Tennessean  1968-04-04

IV-"Residents are 'Guests': Belcourt Terrace Living's Good" - Nat Caldwell - Nashville Tennessean

"The old lady walked almost."Her pace was rapid for 83 years old, as fast as mine, impeded as I was by my crutch, and the necessity to reserve an impression. I had to appear to be patient. . . . "

The Nashville Tennessean  1968-04-03

III-"Fire Danger for Aged Ever Present" - Nat Caldwell - Nashville Tennessean

"At Sunny View Rest Home, 1227 16th Ave., S., on the second floor, a nightmare frightened me from sleep:"Fire! Fire! Fire! . . . ONly four of the 21 patients, unaided, could possibly have walked out of the home if it were burning . . . And I, one of the four, could not help the patients get out. Despeartely, I was struggling jut to fight myself awake. . ."

The Nashville Tennessean  1968-04-02