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"I Was a Warehouse Wage Slave" - Mac McClelland - Mother Jones

". . .Despite moving fast enough to get sloppy, my scanner tells me that means I'm fulfilling only 52 percent of my goal. A supervisor who is a genuinely nice person comes by with a clipboard listing my numbers. Like the rest of the supervisors, she tries to create a friendly work environment and doesn't want to enforce the policies that make this job so unpleasant. But her hands are tied. She needs this job, too, so she has no choice but to tell me something I have never been told in 19 years of school or at any of some dozen workplaces."You're doing really bad," she says. . ."

Mother Jones  2012-03-01

"Janeane From Des Moines" - Grace Lee - Documentary

"Bird-Dogging the Bush Vote" - Wells Tower - Harper's Magazine

". . .I am, at the moment, one of the thousands of constituent devices that make up the most aggressive and state-of-the-art piece of campaign machinery the G.O.P. has ever brought to bear on a presidential race. I'm here because several weeks ago, as I and a few dozen million other Americans were fretting over how we might possible ward off another four years of George W. Bush, I decided to come to Florida and undertake a vigil for election-theft tactics from inside the Bush campaign's grass-roots ranks. . ."

Harper's  2005-03-01

IX- "Associated Group of 100,000 Women Best Bet for Idle" - Adela Rogers St. Johns - Los Angeles Examiner

"Rent. Gas. Groceries. A chance to keep their little homes, to hold their heads up, to keep from becoming openly objects of charity. I know many women who today are facing that problem. You see, when I talked with unemployed women I was one of them. They had nothing to gain from me. They had no reason to lie to me. Most of them wanted to help me, to show me the ropes. . ."

Los Angeles Examiner  1931-12-30