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"People Who Care, People Who Help" - Pamela Zekman and Pamela Warrick - Chicago Sun-Times

The two women, Ann Wright and Miriam Desmond, decided to share the information they'd gathered and continue monitoring the city's abortion clinics. They founded the Health Evaluation and Referral Service (HERS) and began one of the city's first non-profit abortion referral agencies.

Chicago Sun Times  1978-11-26

IX-"The Abortion Profiteers" - Pamela Zekman and Pamela Warrick - Chicago Sun-Times

It happened in the Rucker Memorial Medical Center, the little brick building in Detroit where at least two Chicago referral agencies send women more than 12 weeks pregnant for cheap, fast abortions. The center is owned by Dr. Joseph W. Rucker, who performs abortions there with his wife - and on at least one occasion, his dog - assisting him. During a five-month investigation of the Chicago abortion business by the Sun-Times and the Better Government Assn., we heard from a number of women who were sent to Rucker's clinic by these referral agencies - women with tales as ghastly as that of the Joliet couple who saw the dog in the operating room.

Chicago Sun Times  1978-11-21

VI-"The Abortion Profiteers" - Pamela Zekman and Pamela Warrick - Chicago Sun-Times

They are identical twins with identical cons. They bill themselves as "counselors." But their business is sales, and they use every trick in the book to peddle abortions to confused and frightened women. Victoria Sanders and Valerie McCullough operate competing abortion referral services out of fancy suites and between them advertise half a dozen "abortion hot lines" in four states.

Chicago Sun Times  1978-11-17