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Subject is exactly treatment

"Welcome to Cancerland" - Barbara Ehrenreich - Harper's

"I was thinking of it as one of those drive-by mammograms, one stop in a series of mundate missions including post office, supermarket, and gym, but I began to lose my nerve in the changing room, and not only because of the kinky necessity of baring my breasts and affixing tiny xray opaque stars to the tip of each nipple . . . "

Harper's  2001-11-01

VII-Von Solbrig Task Force: "Hospital Proves a Costly Haven for Alcoholics" - Task Force Report - Chicago Tribune

"For the alcoholic deperate for a cure, the hospital is a sham, the treatment a cruel joke. For the welfare loafer eager for a free ride, it is a $78-a-day hotel where a person can float for days on powerful tranquilizers. And for the taxpayer, Northeast Community Hospital is an expensive charade that squanders valuable Medicaid dollars. . ."

The Chicago Tribune  1975-09-10