Browse Reports

Subject is exactly Welfare
Buffalo Evening News article titled, "Penetrating Look at Costs, Cases Yielded by News' 6-Month Study." Written by Ed May as part of the "Our Costly Dilemma" series.

"Our Costly Dilemma" - Edgar (Ed) May - Buffalo Evening News

The series examines welfare inefficiencies - and the ease with which some who are not needy can take advantage of the aid - based on six months of reporting, including Ed May's three-month undercover stint as a welfare case worker in Erie County, New York. 
New York World Telegram and Sun article titled, "Lack of Inspection Brings Squalor." Written by Woody Klein as part of his "I Lived in a Slum" series.

"I Lived in a Slum" - Woody Klein - New York World Telegram & Sun

Reporter Woody Klein spends a month living in a New York City slum for a New York World Telegram & Sun series in 1959.
Chicago Tribune article titled, "Filth and neglect bared at von Solbrig Hospital." Written by an Unsigned author for the Von Solbrig Task Force Report.

Von Solbrig Hospital - Task Force - Chicago Tribune

After hearing from a source that janitors, without washing, were sometimes used to move patients from surgery rooms to their beds, a  reporter poses as a janitor at Von Solbrig Hospital. The series, a Task Force investigation, also examines the institution's encouragement of unnecessary procedures for welfare patients.
Fort Wayne News-Sentinel article titled, "At Massage Parlors, Image Fits." Written by Tony Horwitz and Ellen Bugher.

Watchdogs in the Public Interest

Waste, fraud, graft, laxity, dilapidated conditions, corruption: Reporters have often used undercover tactics to investigate.