Browse Reports

Subject is exactly nursing home
Cover of the Nashville Tennessean featuring an image accompanying Nat Caldwell's expose titled, "Reporter's Inside Story: Nursing Homes Crowded, Dirty."

"The Abandoned Generation" - Nat Caldwell - Nashville Tennessean

For the Nashville Tennessean in 1968, Nat Caldwell investigated Nashville's privately owned nursing homes in part by reporting above board and in part by posing as an elderly patient to spend a week at three of them.
Chicago Tribune article titled, "Abuses in Nursing Homes." Written as part of the nursing home exposé.

Nursing Home Exposé - Task Force - Chicago Tribune

Reporters, hired to work with phony references in nursing homes for the poor, uncover filthy conditions, unqualified employees (as evidenced by their own hiring), and undignified care of the elderly, often in the name of profit.

Nursing Homes Undercover

From 1968 to present day, reporters have gone undercover to expose the corruption and mistreatment that occurs within nursing homes.