Browse Reports

Subject is exactly poverty
Buffalo Evening News article titled, "Penetrating Look at Costs, Cases Yielded by News' 6-Month Study." Written by Ed May as part of the "Our Costly Dilemma" series.

"Our Costly Dilemma" - Edgar (Ed) May - Buffalo Evening News

The series examines welfare inefficiencies - and the ease with which some who are not needy can take advantage of the aid - based on six months of reporting, including Ed May's three-month undercover stint as a welfare case worker in Erie County, New York. 
New York World Telegram and Sun article titled, "I Saw Human Shame as a Migrant Worker." Written by Dale Wright as part of the Forgotten People series.

"The Forgotten People" - Dale Wright - New York World Telegram & Sun

Reporter Dale Wright spent six months working on and off as a migrant worker along the Atlantic Seaboard for this series, which examines the conditions, exploitation, and legislation (and its effectiveness) of migrant laborer life.  ("The Forgotten People..A Report on Migrant Labor" by Dale Wright. Reprinted with the permission of the Estate of Dale Wright, c/o K.E. Wright-King ©1961, New York World-Telegram and Sun.)
The freight train Ted Conover rode for his piece, "A Morning with Pops."

Ted Conover's "Rolling Nowhere"

Conover spent four months living as a tramp, riding the rails, which ultimately became his first book, Rolling Nowhere. Research for the project began for his senior thesis, while still an undergrad at Amherst College, which has awarded him an honorary degree.
Garrett's description of how he experienced life on an actual budget of a nickel a day. His series ran in the Evening World in tandem with Catherine King's report on trying to get a job at a living wage in the city.

Living Poor - Charles Garrett and Catherine King - New York World

A New York Evening World series by Charles Garrett and Catherine King as they lived in total penury, looking for work, in New York City.