II-Walter Reed: "The Hotel Aftermath" - Anne Hull and Dana Priest - Washington Post

Inside Mologne House, the Survivors of War Wrestle With Military Bureaucracy and Personal Demons

Byline: Anne Hull, Dana Priest; 2007-02-19; The Washington Post; pages A1

Report: "The Other Walter Reed" - Dana Priest and Anne Hull - Washington Post

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". . . Oil paintings hang in the lobby of this strange outpost in the war on terrorism, where combat's urgency has been replaced by a trickling fountain in the garden courtyard. The maimed and the newly legless sit in wheelchairs next to a pond, watching goldfish turn lazily through the water . . ."

Description:The second installment in The Washington Post’s Pulitzer-Prize-winning series about the Walter Reed Army Medical Center. The article concentrates on Walter Reed’s primary housing facility Mologne House and the daily challenges of the wounded soldiers who live there.

Rights: Copyrighted, used with permission.

Additional Media

A photo of the Mologne House, Walter Reed’s primary housing facility.

Additional Media

Washington Post article titled, "The Hotel Aftermath." Written by Anne Hull and Dana Priest.