IV-Walter Reed: "'It Is Just Not Walter Reed'" - Anne Hull and Dana Priest - Washington Post

Soldiers Share Troubling Stories Of Military Health Care Across U.S.

Byline: Anne Hull, Dana Priest; 2007-03-05; The Washington Post; pages A1

Report: "The Other Walter Reed" - Dana Priest and Anne Hull - Washington Post

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"Across the country, some military quarters for wounded outpatients are in bad shape, according to interviews, Government Accountability Office reports and transcripts of congressional testimony. The mold, mice and rot of Walter Reed's Building 18 compose a familiar scenario for many soldiers back from Iraq or Afghanistan who were shipped to their home posts for treatment. Nearly 4,000 outpatients are currently in the military's Medical Holding or Medical Holdover companies, which oversee the wounded. Soldiers and veterans report bureaucratic disarray similar to Walter Reed's: indifferent, untrained staff; lost paperwork; medical appointments that drop from the computers; and long waits for consultations."

Description:Part of The Washington Post's "The Other Walter Reed" series, this article explores how VA hospitals across the country fail to meet the needs of wounded war veterans.

Rights: Copyrighted, used with permission.

Additional Media

Washington Post article titled, "'It Is Just Not Walter Reed.'" Written by Anne Hull and Dana Priest.