Follow-up: Walter Reed - "Little Relief on Ward 53" - Anne Hull and Dana Priest - Washington Post

At Walter Reed, Care for Soldiers Struggling With War's Mental Trauma Is Undermined by Doctor Shortages and Unfocused Methods

Byline: Anne Hull, Dana Priest; 2007-06-18; The Washington Post; pages A1

Report: "The Other Walter Reed" - Dana Priest and Anne Hull - Washington Post


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"Even though Walter Reed maintains the largest psychiatric department in the Army, it lacks enough psychiatrists and clinicians to properly treat the growing number of soldiers returning with combat stress. Earlier this year, the head of psychiatry sent out an "SOS" memo desperately seeking more clinical help."

Description:This article tells the story of Joshua Calloway, an Army Private First Class who returned from Iraq with PTSD, and his struggles to receive proper care in Walter Reed's psychiatric ward.

Rights: Copyrighted, used with permission.

Additional Media

A photo of Joshua Calloway, the focus of the Washington Post article titled, "Little Relief on Ward 53."

Additional Media

Washington Post article titled, "Little Relief on Ward 53." Written by Anne Hull and Dana Priest.