Follow-up: Walter Reed - "Almost Home, but Facing More Delays at Walter Reed" - Dana Priest and Anne Hull - Washington Post

Errors Slow Disabled Soldier's Retirement

Byline: Dana Priest, Anne Hull; 2007-09-15; The Washington Post; pages A1

Report: "The Other Walter Reed" - Dana Priest and Anne Hull - Washington Post


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"Last week, Shannon, 43, was back at Walter Reed, but not to say goodbye. The doctors' signatures on two time-sensitive forms in his disability file had expired. He would have to be reexamined by his doctors, he was told, and his medical summaries would have to be written all over again. Unfortunately, the sergeant in charge of his disability paperwork had not stayed on top of his case. 'There was a failure of paying attention to the currency of his paperwork,' a Walter Reed spokesman, Charles Dasey, said last night."

Description:This article highlights the inefficiency, disorganization and bureaucracy faced by Walter Reed patients awaiting release from the facility. It focuses on Staff Sgt. John Daniel Shannon who is stuck at Walter Reed indefinitely waiting for his paperwork to be processed.

Rights: Copyrighted, used with permission.

Additional Media

A photo of Staff Sgt. John Daniel Shannon, the focus of the Washington Post article, "Almost Home, but Facing More Delays at Walter Reed."

Additional Media

Dana Priest and Anne Hull's Washington Post article titled, "Almost Home, but Facing More Delays at Walter Reed."