Byline: Michael Mok; 1961-03-20; New York World-Telegram and Sun; pages 1
Report: "I Was a Mental Patient" - Michael Mok - New York World-Telegram & Sun
Tags: asylum, madhouse, mental hospital, patient, posed as
Two men used to tell me at length about the people they thought they had killed. When you listen to this sort of talk all day long, it is like listening to a gall bladder patient tell you about his operation. Boredom became almost insufferable. The temptation, to over-eat was great, because the food, although simple, was excellent. Several men helped out in the ward's little kitchen for whatever extra food they could get.
Description:In the fifth article of the "I Was a Mental Patient" series, Michael Mok describes the excruciating boredom he experienced during his eight day stay in the Kings County psychiatric ward. Despite all the problems he encountered there, he praises the ward's kitchen staff for their delicious food.
Rights: Copyrighted, used with permission.