VIII-"I Was A Mental Patient" - Michael Mok - New York Telegram and Sun

Ward Miseries Are Worse for Women

Byline: Michael Mok; 1961-03-23; New York World-Telegram and Sun; pages 1

Report: "I Was a Mental Patient" - Michael Mok - New York World-Telegram & Sun

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My stay in the locked wards was the direct result of scores of letters this newspaper received from former patients of Kings County.  One of those detailed the experiences of a sane woman, who was admitted to "G" Building, suffering from depression brought on by menopause. For 12 days she lived in the center of the vortex: She saw senile women, tied in wheelchairs, who helplessly fouled their gowns all day long. She saw little girls - the youngest 9 - living among sex exhibitionists, drunks, dope addicts and desperately disturbed women of all sorts. 

Description:In the eighth, and second to last, installment of his "I Was a Mental Patient" series, Mok relays the experience of a middle-aged woman who was committed to Kings County psychiatric ward for 12 days.

Rights: Copyrighted, used with permission.

Additional Media

New York World Telegram and Sun article titled, "Ward Miseries are Worse for Women." Written as part of Michael Mok's series, "I Was A Mental Patient."