IX-"Seven Days in the Madhouse!" - Frank Smith - Chicago Daily Times

Water Perils Inmates at Kankakee

Byline: Frank Smith; 1935-07-25; Chicago Daily Times; pages 3

Report: "Seven Days in the Madhouse!" - Frank Smith - Chicago Daily Times

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"The water used for cooking and drinking at the madhouse is obtained from two deep wells. It is good water, at the start, when it is discharged from the wells. But after that it is subject to contamination from a number of sources. The well water is collected in an open concrete reservoir of two million gallons capacity at the well site. This reservoir, looking like an ideal swimming pool, is close to the Kankakee river. A wire fence surrounds the pool to exclude inquisitive inmates. It fails in its purpose. It offers no protection against animals dust or dirt."

Description:In this ninth, and second to last, installment of the Times' "Seven Days in a Madhouse" series, Frank Smith details the hospital's unsanitary water supply and begins to hope for his timely discharge.

Rights: No known rights restrictions.

Additional Media

Chicago Daily Times article titled, "Water Perils Inmates at Kankakee."Written by Frank Smith as part of his series, "Seven Days in the Madhouse!"