"Club Life Among Outcasts" - Josiah Flynt - Harper's

For several years it has been my privilege to come in contact with men and women, boys and girls, who have been turned out of respectable society, or born out of it, and who are known to the world as vagabonds, rowdies, and criminals. I have made the acquaintance of these people in a variety of ways, sometimes accidentally and sometimes purposely, but almost always voluntarily. I wanted to know what their life amounted to and what pleasures it contained.

Description:Flynt writes about the hierarchy and structure within the homeless or "tramp" community in the late nineteenth century. In this article, he gives detailed accounts of what he calls "clubs" or groups of homeless, from different parts of the country, and how they interact.

Rights: Public domain.

Additional Media

Harper's article titled, "Club Life Among Outcasts." Written by Josiah Flynt.