Byline: Josiah Flynt; 1895-10-01; Harper's; pages 776-783
It was my last night in San Francisco and I could not leave without saying good-bye to Old Slim. His place was almost empty when I strolled in, and he was standing behind his greasy bar counting the day's winnings. The adios was soon said, and I started for the street again. I had hardly left the bar when the door suddenly squeaked on its rickety hinges, and a one-armed man came in with a handsome kid.
Description:Although based on Flynt's actual experiences, this piece was published in Harper's as fiction. It tells the story of Cigarette (Flynt's tramp name) who runs into an old and dying friend in San Francisco, who asks him for one last favor: to bring his boy Jamie back East.
Rights: Public domain.