"Tramping with Tramps" - Josiah Flynt - The Century

The American Tramp Considered Geographically

Some years ago I was sitting one spring afternoon on a railway-tie on "The Dope" when New York Barcas apeared on the scene. There was nothing very peculiar about Barcas, except his map of the United States. Not that he ever set up to be a topographer, or aspired to any rivalry with Johnston, Kiepert, or Zell, but, like the ancients, Barcas had his known and his unknown world, and like them again, he described the land he knew just as if it was all the world there was.

Description:In this article, Josiah Flynt compares and contrasts the tramp culture's different regions of North America: "the North," "the East," "the West," and "the South."

Rights: Public domain.

Additional Media

An article from The Century titled, "Tramping with Tramps." Written by Josiah Flynt.