IX-"Undercover Teacher" - George N. Allen - New York World Telegram and Sun

Lessons Get Lost in Paper Work

Byline: George N. Allen; 1958-11-22; New York World-Telegram and Sun; pages 1

Report: "Undercover Teacher" - George N. Allen - New York World Telegram & Sun

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At the beginning of the school term I had to copy and recopy the registers of my various classes so many times that I once got writer's cramp. It seemed to me that in this age of modern office machinery, the school system's methods of handling its clerical work is far out of date - and wasteful.

Description:In the ninth article, part of George Allen's "Undercover Teacher" series for the New York World-Telegram and Sun, he writes about all the busy work and classroom interruptions that get in the way of his lessons on a daily basis.

Rights: No known rights restrictions

Additional Media

New York World Telegram and Sun article titled, "Lessons Get Lost in Paper Work." Written by George N. Allen as part of his "Undercover Teacher" series.