III-"Building 'walls'" - Leslie Linthicum - Albuquerque Tribune

EHS drugs bountiful if you know right person

Byline: Leslie Linthicum; 1983-03-10; Albuquerque Tribune; pages 1

Report: "Undercover Student" - Leslie Linthicum - Albuquerque Tribune

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"If you've got $7 and 15 minutes, you can buy 10 "hits" of low-grade "speed" and one or two pipe bowls of marijuana at Eldorado High School.And once you've "scored," it's easy to find a secure place to get high.

Description:In her third article of the "Undercover Student" series, Albuquerque Tribune reporter Leslie Linthicum reports on the drug culture at Eldorado High School, where she posed as a 17-year-old high school senior for two weeks.

Rights: Copyrighted, used with permission.

Additional Media

Albuquerque Tribune article titled, "Building 'Walls.'" Written by Leslie Linthicum as part of her "Undercover Student" series.