Reaction: "Slum Expose Loudly Praised; Aid Offered, Action Demanded" - Unsigned - World Telegram & Sun

Byline: Robert H. Prall; 1959-07-01; New York World-Telegram and Sun; pages 8

Report: "I Lived in a Slum" - Woody Klein - New York World Telegram & Sun

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People who knew that slum was a dirty word but who never lived in one were loud in their praise today of staff writer Woody Klein and his series of articles exposing life in New York City's teeming tenements.

Description:A review of reader responses to Woody Klein's "I lived in a slum" series for the New York World Telegram and Sun.

Rights: Public domain.

Additional Media

New York World Telegram and Sun article titled, "Slum Expose Loudly Praised; Aid Offered, Action Demanded." Written by an Unsigned author as part of the reaction to Woody Klein's series about living in slums.