X-"I Lived in a Slum" - Woody Klein - New York World Telegram and Sun

City Aids Admit Blight Is Gaining

Byline: Woody Klein; 1959-07-02; New York World-Telegram and Sun; pages 1

Report: "I Lived in a Slum" - Woody Klein - New York World Telegram & Sun

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The city administration admitted today it had failed to meet its slum problem successfully and that blighted areas were spreading faster than rehabilitation.In the wake of a series of articles portraying horrendous conditions in the city's slums, this newspaper assigned a team of reporters to ask city officials about what they intended to do about it.

Description:In this eighth and final installment of the NY World-Telegram and Sun's "I Lived in a Slum" series, Woody Klein reports on the reaction of city officials.

Rights: Public domain.

Additional Media

New York World Telegram and Star article titled, "City Aids Admit Blight Is Gaining." Written by Woody Klein as part of his series about life in slums.