XI- "Boy on the Brink" - Woody Klein - New York World Telegram & Sun

Miguel is Trapped in Slum Jungle

Byline: Woody Klein; 1959-07-06; New York World-Telegram and Sun; pages 1

Report: "I Lived in a Slum" - Woody Klein - New York World Telegram & Sun

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When I went to live in the slums, one of the persons I wanted most to meet was a sensitive boy caught in the mess and misery of tenement life.

Description:Woody Klein profiles a 19-year-old boy named Miguel who he met during his month spent living in the city's worst slums.

Rights: Public domain.

Additional Media

 New York World Telegram and Sun article titled, "Boy on the Brink." Written by Woody Klein as part of his series about living in a slum.