IV-"I Lived in a Slum" - Woody Klein - New York World Telegram and Sun

'We Ain't Alive, Just Hangin' On'

Byline: Woody Klein; 1959-06-26; New York World-Telegram and Sun; pages 1

Report: "I Lived in a Slum" - Woody Klein - New York World Telegram & Sun

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It's almost a blessing that Old Sam can't see the squalor of the one-room dungeon where he lives with his faithful wife in the Williamsburg section of Brooklyn.Old Sam is blind.

Description:In this third installment of the "I Lived in a Slum" series, staff writer Woody Klein reports on his experience living in a slum in Williamsburg, Brooklyn. This is where he met Old Sam and his wife, who lived in a closet-sized room in the basement of his apartment building.

Rights: Public domain.

Additional Media

New York World Telegram and Sun article titled, "We Ain't Alive, Just Hangin' On." Written by Woody Klein as part of his "I Lived in a Slum" series.