IX-"Migrants Exist in Duck Sheds" - Dale Wright - New York World Telegram and Sun

Byline: Dale Wright; 1961-09-20; New York World-Telegram and Sun; pages 27

Report: "The Forgotten People" - Dale Wright - New York World Telegram & Sun

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A 30-page, slick paper booklet published earlier this year by the New York State Migrant Labor Committee boasts proudly that the state "marches forward" in long strides in its handling of itinerant farm workers.  Photographs of smiling laborers and their children beam from its pages - at work, at play, in school and in church.  The committee booklet spells out step-by-step the regulations under which more than 25,000 transient crop pickers who come into the state every year live and work.  

Description:The ninth and second to last article in Wright's series on migrant workers focuses on New York State.

Rights: "The Forgotten People..A Report on Migrant Labor" by Dale Wright. Reprinted with the permission of the Estate of Dale Wright, c/o K.E. Wright-King ©1961, New York World-Telegram and Sun.

Additional Media

New York World Telegram and Sun article titled, "Migrants Exist in Duck Sheds." Written by Dale Wright as part of the Forgotten People series.