Reaction: Task Force Vote Fraud Investigation: "Subpena Ward Boss Lists" - George Bliss and Pamela Zekman - Chicago Tribune

Precinct Data Is Sought in Vote Probe

Byline: George Bliss, Pamela Zekman; 1972-10-21; The Chicago Tribune; pages 1, 4

Report: Vote Fraud investigation - Task Force - Chicago Tribune

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"At least 15 ward committee-men have been subpenaed by a federal grand jury to produce rosters of their precinct captains and other workers.  The lists have long been closely guarded secrets in ward politics. . ."

Description:After indicting 40 election judges and poll workers on vote fraud charges, a federal grand jury investigation into Chicago's historic vote fraud subpoenas 15 ward committeemen for their rosters of precinct workers. The investigation is a result of the Tribune's task force report in to the city's vote fraud. This piece is a part of that series.

Rights: No known rights restrictions.

Additional Media

Chicago Tribune article titled, "Subpena Ward Boss Lists." Written by George Bliss and Pamela Zekman as part of the reaction to the Task Force Vote Fraud Investigation.