Reaction: Task Force Vote Fraud Investigation: "37 indicted in Vote Fixes; Total Hits 75" - George Bliss - Chicago Tribune

Byline: George Bliss; Saturday, October 28, 1972; The Chicago Tribune; pages 1, 7

Report: Vote Fraud investigation - Task Force - Chicago Tribune

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"U.S. Atty James R. Thompson announced yesterday that a federal grand jury has named 37 persons in vote fraud indictments following an investigation that found up to 50 per cent of the votes cast in many precincts were obtained thru forgeries.  The eight indictments naming the election judges and precinct workers were returned Thursday and ordered supressed until yesterday while federal agents with arrest warrants sought the defendants. . ."

Description:A federal grand jury investigation indicts 37 more people in their vote fraud investigation. Part of the Task Force Report on Chicago's vote fraud.

Rights: No known rights restrictions.

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