III-Task Force Vote Fraud Investigation: "Dem-Rule Polls Kill 2-Party System" - George Bill and William Mullen - Chicago Tribune

Byline: George Bill, William Mullen; 1972-09-11; The Chicago Tribune; pages 1

Report: Vote Fraud investigation - Task Force - Chicago Tribune

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"Democratic Party bosses have seized control over the appointments of Republican election judges in hundreds of key precincts and have destroyed the bipartisan election system in the large areas of Chicago, a Tribune Task Force investigation has disclosed."

Description:The Task Force reports that instead of official Republican election judges controlling the poling places for election fraud, Democratic party officials bar the Republican officials from accessing their polls.

Rights: No known rights restrictions.

Additional Media

Chicago Tribune article titled,  "Dem-Rule Polls Kill 2-Party System." Written by George Bill and William Mullen as part of the Task Force Vote Fraud Investigation.