IV-Task Force Vote Fraud Investigation: "Probe Shows Plight of G.O.P. Poll Judges" - George Bliss - Chicago Tribune

Byline: George Bliss, William Currie; 1972-09-11; The Chicago Tribune; 

Report: Vote Fraud investigation - Task Force - Chicago Tribune

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"The Tribune Task Force's investigation of election records in the March primary election has uncovered other reasons why many precinct election boards are manned only by Democrats. Historically, Democratic officials have countered similar revelations by saying that Republican officials fail to provide the Board of Election Commissioners with enough G.O.P. judge applicants."

Description:This article reveals how 22 Better Government Association members and Tribune Reporters applied to be Republican poll judges for the March primary election. Virtually all applications were denied. Those who were certified as poll judges were turned away by Democratic party officials at the polls.

Rights: No known rights restrictions.

Additional Media

Chicago Tribune article titled, "Probe Shows Plight of G.O.P. Poll Judges." Written by George Bliss and William Currie as part of the Task Force Vote Fraud Investigation.