Reaction: Task Force Vote Fraud Investigation: "U.S. Acts to Protect Vote" - George Bliss and William Mullen - Chicago Tribune

Byline: George Bliss, William Mullen; 1972-09-17; The Chicago Tribune; pages 1

Report: Vote Fraud investigation - Task Force - Chicago Tribune

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"The federal government announced formation yesterday of a special task force of prosecutors to combat Chicago vote fraud in the Nov. 7 Presidential election. Federal agents meanwhile continued to round up 40 persons named in federal grand jury indictments for vote fraud. . ." 

Description:The Tribune reports that the federal government, in addition to arresting those indicted for vote fraud during the March primary, will take steps to ensure that no vote fraud happens in Chicago during the presidential election in November.

Rights: No known rights restrictions.

Additional Media

Chicago Tribune Article titled, "U.S. Acts to Protect Vote." Written by George Bliss and William Mullen as part of the reaction to the Task Force Vote Fraud Investigation.