IX-"City Slave Girls" - Nell Nelson - Chicago Daily Times

The "Times" Lady Reporter Finds Some Factorymen who treat their Employees Decently. At the Dearborn Feather Duster Company's Place the Conditions Could Be Improved.

"When we're late and get locked out we go to the dago shop.  Were you ever in a dago's." "No." "Well, you can always tell them by the 'Ladies Entrance.' Some of them are real nice, with beautiful carpets and lace curtains and mirrors on the wall.  There's a place over on Madisan street where you can get crackers and pop for a nickle.  Some of the girls go down-town and shop, but when it rains the police lets us wait in the tunnel." "How long," I asked."Till 9 o'clock. You have to be here at 7:30 o'clock, and if you're late the door is locked and you can't get in till 9."  The above conversation took place in the Dearborn Feather Duster company's place at 50 Canal street, where I applied for work Saturday morning.  The building is in a substantial brick and extends back to the river. The factory is on the third floor and reached by two long flights of stairs that needed sweeping and repairing.  I suppose the surroundings were suitable for the business carried on, but they were far from comfortable and wholly uncharming.  

Description:Nell Nelson's undercover series exposing working conditions for women in Chicago's factories continues. This article looks at some of the places with better conditions for laborers, despite very low pay.

Rights: public domain

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Heading of a Chicago Daily Times article Nell Nelson wrote as part of her series, "City Slave Girls."

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Chicago Daily Times article Nell Nelson wrote as part of her series, "City Slave Girls."