XIX-"City Slave Girls" - Nell Nelson - Chicago Daily Times

"Nell Nelson" Spends an Hour n the Factory of Henry W. King & Co, on Union Street, And Reads The Old Story of Want and Misery, Ill Health and Privation - in the Faces of The Toilers

On the southwest corner of Washington boulevard and Union street towers a spacious brick building, onthe third floor of which Henry W. King & Co manufacture much ofthe clothing that supplies the country trade.  The place is far from uninviting.  Clean halls and well-swept stairs croclaim the faithful service of a janitor, and the girl who has worked in "other shops" blesses the man at the rope every time she rides in the neat, mirror-lined elevator.  

Description:Nelson continues her undercover expose of women's working conditions in Chicago factories.

Rights: public domain

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Heading of a Chicago Daily Times article Nell Nelson wrote as part of her series, "City Slave Girls."

Additional Media

Chicago Daily Times article Nell Nelson wrote as part of her series, "City Slave Girls."